Analyzing the discussions that have been created on forum, it seems useful to us to deepen a fundamental concept that underlies the online gambling: the random numbers generator - RNG (random number generator).

This is to be considered applicable to all games and in particular it can be of great interest theRNG for Roulette el'rng per the blackjack, because we are facing software and in this case we do it more than other times.

To discuss the topic we opened a discussion on the forum, where we also reported the short interview made: RNG and casino gamesnull For those who, despite the explanations, do not trust random electronic generators, we recommend trying Online casino where you can play live.

Always remember that when you play on online gambling you always have to do with software that extracts events in a causal way.

Premise on probability, RNG and Gambling

The issue of online casino security is undoubtedly an important topic and of which if it often speaks without having full knowledge of the facts about it.

In fact, security embraces different aspects of the Gambling and is not limited only to the transparency of financial transactions and the protection of personal data, but also affects a fundamental aspect which is very felt by users of all online casinos: the randomness of extractions.

It is in fact of vital importance for the success of each casino, to bring the player the message that his probability of victory They are completely entrusted to chance and are in no way the subject of manipulation by the game room itself.

To achieve this, the random numbers generator (RNG), of which we speak so much and on which today in this article we want to clarify.

Let's try to analyze the speech of theRoulette algorithm in online version (not live). Keep in mind that this is valid for each game, so also for theBlackjack algorithm, as it is implemented by a Software generator of random numbers, which is nothing but an algorithm that simulates the behavior of the real game.

Every gambling has some probability of winningeprobability of losing intrinsic, theoretical probability, given by the rules of the game itself. These probability in the real game are given by the randomness of the events, trivially in the live roulette the launch of a ball on a wheel that runs and in live blackjack the extraction from the sabot of the cards.

In the online game instead the randomness of events is guaranteed by the random numbers generator (RNG), a sistem, software o hardware, which generates random events, usually numbers, but also symbols or more.

In the case of online roulette, the individual extractions of the numbers are precisely given by the generator of random numbers which, at each round of the wheel, extracts a random number, Randomnull In online blackjack, the RNG generates the release of the cards during the game phase.


Doubts and suspicions about the random numbers generator

After this tedious introduction we come to the most interesting part of the discussion. As happens in live casino, even in the online casino there are legitimately many doubts about the actual randomness of extractions.

In fact, very strange situations happen, in which, for example, they come out 10 or 15 red numbers in a row, many odds consecutively, the same number comes out several times in a row and so on.

How is it possible? I studied at the university that the probability that it comes out red in every single extraction is 18 out of 37 (there are 18 red numbers and 37 are the total numbers of the single zero roulette). Probability that it comes out red: 18/37 = 48.6%

Why did it come out red 14 times in a row?

In light of facts like these It is perfectly understandable that the player comes to mind that by the casino there is an incorrect behavior towards him, the American players are then skeptical enough by nature towards the network and everything that cannot "to touch" with hand.

Users at this point They panic and begin to storm the forums and the assistance of the casino with more or less accused messages towards the game platforms and those who manage them, feeling made fun of and somehow "robbed" and disappointed by those from those to which they had turned to have fun in peace.

Therefore in cases like this It happens that trust in the portal goes to diminish, not considering that Events like these are perfectly possible and, even if they present themselves in such a strange form, they can be scientifically explained.

It should not be forgotten In this regard that RNG systems are not new And they have not been created specifically for online casinos, but they have existed for some time and are used in many fields, they are therefore not an exclusive of the games.

What does this mean?null Simply that they are systems subject to continuous studies from the point of view of technology and the fact that they are also the subject of applications in Scientific, cryptographic or quantum physics field, confirms that they are absolutely reliable and verified systems.

A generator of random numbers and so what is the software belonging to the roulette RNG, is managed by a very complex mathematical algorithm, which regulates the exit of numbers in total randomness, we can say 100%, which can also cause strange events and difficult to justify in a rational way.


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Mathematical explanation of doubts about RNG

Mathematical level The above situations are "normal", in the sense that each extraction is independent of the previous ones and therefore, on a small number of extractions, anything can happen, also that the same number comes out 10 times consecutively.

Practical therefore the theoretical rules do not apply, given that probabilistic theories are valid on the Law of large numbers, trivially on a number of extractions that tends to infinity. For simplicity we will say 1,000,000 of extractions.


Guarantee on random numbers generator

Lo Skepticism towards gambling, especially towards the online game, is very understandable, both because the game is very fast And therefore we can attend a very large number of extractions, both because we have a software in front that we do not know nor how neither by who has been designed.

Il doubt On the correctness of the game and on the absence of scams it is justified e legitimate. We at Playuscasino have no tools to guarantee that casino use a correct RNG even if it is not the task of an information site like ours.

the warranty quality, reliability, safety and above all of the honesty of the RNG is indirectly given by ADM, government body that issues a license for gambling at a distance only against very rigid certifications provided by the game operator who requires the concession.

These certifications of casino RNG software are not issued by AAMS/ADM itself, but I am the task of third parties, authorized by ADM, who perform in -depth tests (stress test) on software to ensure that they comply with the technical specifications dictated byAutonomous Administration of State Monopolies.


Certifications: Warranty on validity over time

A point of extreme importance raised on the forum, and to which we have not been able to initially respond, is the following:

Who guarantees me that a game initially certified by the companies in charge and by AAMS, is not then changed to change the chances of the game itself?

In practice, according to many players on the net, it would be possible that i software come modified so that they know how to adapt to game systems More common, such as martingala and similar systems.

The responses of some managers of the casinos have provided us with very important technical ideas, lies in the procedures of verification of software and in the communication protocols between the operator and AAMS (today ADM).

Once the game platform is certified by the responsible, for each game the operator sends ADM to a technical documentation, in which the hash of individual games. In practice such hash They are the translation into a predetermined string (usually 128, but also 224, 256, 384 and 512 bit) of all the game software, a sort of “Company Digital” To put it in poorly IT terms.

ADM checks periodically through the communication protocol in force that the hash of the games provided in the certification by the operator correspond actually to those in production, or verify the integrity of the software, then that the software both the original one and has not been changed In no part of his.


Online Games Safety: Questions and conclusions

Obviously such a scheme seems to guarantee a safe and honest game, but has a knot that could be considered weak: Who are the software certifiers? Who certifies certifiers?

Fortunately to do from Guarantor of this complicated scheme is ADM, which, from 18 July 2011 (start date of the Legal online game), took charge of this delicate and fundamental role, in a sector very rich and full of pitfalls, which is the online gambling sector.

Just think of the situation that had come to create in the late nineties, when the online casino at their debut were immediately fertile ground for improvised operators attracted to easy and conspicuous gains, who immediately began to put on the net of dubious origin sites and totally out of control and in whose scam network many unfortunate players fell.

Today with the advent of casino and roulette ADM, this problem is widely overcome, the guarantees given by the precious supervision Of this indispensable state body, they can play all the gambling you prefer in absolute tranquility.

The result is that today you can Play Roulette RNG in compliance with the safety That an ADM portal guarantees you, allowing you to relive the experience of a real casino with the charm, transparency and reliability that a very high level organism like this can return you.


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iagreewithwhathasbeensaidinthisarticleregardingrngrouletteonlyinpart,asthedoubtsabouttheimpartialityofthesoftwareremainforaparticularreason. iamprejudicetotheassumptionthatasoftwarehasitsownbutithasstillbeenplannedbyhumans,notonly,onceinstalledintheeventofmaintenanceorthatiknow,foranyothernecessaryintervention,alwaysthesamehumanbeingswillhavetoputonushands. soinmyopinion,havingthecertaintythatanrngrouletteissafeisdesirable,butnotcompletelyverifiable,nobodycanhavetheevidencethatwhatistoldfromthecasinosistrue. ispeakofrouletterng,butthediscussionwouldbethesameforalltheothertypesofgamblingthatarebasedontheseprograms,personallyiconsiderthelivegamesmuchbetter,suchasthoseonwingaforexample,atleastihavecontrolofthesituationewhatiseeiseeitinrealtimeandisnot"imposed"byasoftware. magarinonsaretedelmiostessoparere,maavolteirisultatidellerouletterngsonomoltostraniemifannopensareunpo’malesull’onestàdelcasinòstesso. scusateperilpostunpo’polemicomaquestoèquellochepenso,magarisonounpo’tropposcetticoedubbiosoariguardomaritengochequandosihachefareconiproprisoldicisiabisognodigaranziemoltoforti.