The rules of roulette and its variants apply both to roulette online that when playing in terrestrial casino.

At the roulette it is played against the counter:

  • Fiches are focused on the numbers on the table (one or more numbers), from 0 to 36
  • The Croupier (or the software) turns the wheel to release the winning number
  • Payment of the episodes (placed bets)

If the wheel turns will give the number on which the episode has been made (placed the bet), other chips will win depending on the type of episode.

In this article we want to provide you with all the information and rules to win at roulette.

How is a roulette made? Watch the video and find out

Roulette: the types of bet

In the game of roulette there are 2 main types of bets, simple chances and multiple chance. We can also divide the types of bet in the internal and external.

Simple chances are those with almost 50% probability of winning, Multiple luck Instead they enclose less numbers and are less likely to success, but they pay the bet more. The internal bets are those based on numbers, those who are usually found in the 3 central columns of the game table;

with the External betting Instead we focus on some combinations of numbers near, or on the color released, etc .. etc ..

If the player has the opportunity to choose, he should always search European roulette tables, who do not have the box of Double zero "00" but only one "0", and then benefit the player in his episodes.

What are the episodes to the roulette? Watch the video and find out



iRoulette payments they are based on the probability of exiting the bet. A bet that has less chance of going out (For example the bet on a single number) will pay more than another that is more likely to exit (For example, focus on red or black).

Payments for all types of roulette episode are as follows:

internal bets :

  • 1 single number: 35 a 1 (episode en plein or single number)
  • 2 Numbers (Split): 17 a 1 (episode cheval or horse)
  • 3 numbers (full crossing, triple): 11 a 1 (Terzina episode)
  • 4 numbers (corner): 8 a 1 (episode carrè or square or corner episode on 4 numbers)
  • 5 numbers (upper line): 6 a 1 (line bet on 5 numbers)
  • 6 numbers (line): 5 a 1 (bet on the sestina)

External betting:

  • Red and black : 1 a 1 (called simple chance)
  • You seem to disappear: 1 a 1 (called simple chance)
  • Basso the high (passenger): 1 a 1 (called simple chance)
  • Dozen: 2 a 1 (12 numbers are aimed)
  • Colonna : 2 a 1 (12 numbers are aimed)

In some versions there are also available species of insurance, let's see them in short:

In prison : It is used only in the bets that pay 1 to 1, when chosen in the event of the release of 0 the player can play in the next hand a part of the episode made instead of losing it all.

Sharing : Similar to the previous one, but in case of release of 0, half of the episode will be returned to the player without commitment to have to replay it immediately.

Players cannot make bets beyond the maximum episode imposed by the table and must comply with the minimum and maximum limits set for internal and external bets.


Roulette rules: how they change from one wheel to another

To want to be precise, rather than rules here it is sensitive differences between the various types of roulette, which are attributable to 2 main wheels: the European and American one. The most significant difference between these roulette lies in the different number of boxes from which each roulette is composed.

the European roulette in fact it has a wheel with 37 boxes numbered, whose numbers range from 0 to 36, which is resting on the classic green carpet on which bets are carried out.

Same wheel and same green carpet too As for the American roulette, with the difference, however, that here i numbers are 38null This is because in this type of game, it is also contemplated The double zero box”00”, which would slightly favor the bench.

The Caselle degli "Zeri" They are colored green in both versions, as well as those of the other numbers that are alternating between red and black color (coloring faithfully reported in the same way also on the green table).

The whole series of numbers on the wheel is shown on the game carpet, together with columns, dozens and simple combinations. This will be the battlefield in which to place your episodes and challenge luck.

It must be said, however, that, Based on the rules of roulette, zero has a very particular role: whenever this number is released, it will make the bet on columns or dozen losers and will be "Paying" Only if the zero itself has been played.

Then there are other types of roulette that differ in some slightly more substantial aspects. In the Mini-Roulette Playtech, for example, in addition to the smallest wheel of size and which counts only 12 numbers, the master is the most simplicity and the greatest speed of the game.


Roulette: Terminology and episodes on the wheel

Roulette rules include particular terminology, that all game sessions must be known and remembered. Below we want to mention that of the most common use:

  • And square (full): It means that bets are made only on a single number;
  • Cheval (the horse): It means that these bets are carried out on a pair of adjacent numbers on the carpet;
  • Triplet: bet carried out on 3 numbers adjacent to the game carpet, or on the numbers 0, 2, 3, or even 0, 1, 2;
  • Carrè (the square): Bet carried out on 4 numbers that generate a square on the carpet, or even the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3;
  • Sestina: As the name suggests, it is a bet carried out on 6 numbers arranged on 2 adjacent files.

Here are some particular episodes of the roulette, systems recognized as typical internationally. Here on the side an image that will clarify your ideas quickly (Click to enlarge).

  • Zero game episode: one focuses on 7 numbers near zero (see figure), the numbers 0-3-12-15-26-32-35
  • Episodes close to zero: focus on 17 numbers close to zero, or the numbers 0-2-4-7-15-18-19-21-25-26-28-32-35 which can be played with a total of 9 chips
  • 5/8 series episodes: you bet on 12 numbers 5-8-10-11-16-23-27-30-33-36, which can be played on 6 horses (therefore with 5 chips)
  • Point orfanelli: They have this name because they do not belong to previous systems. These are the numbers 1-6-9-14-20-31-34 and you can play with a total of 5 fiches.

Watch the video and find out the special episodes

The terms we mentioned will find them, together with others, In all types of roulette In which you will bet, this applies to both the terrestrial casinos that you will have to visit, and for the online ones in which you will come across the net.

As previously said, even if the game settings are different, the versions are renewed and continually enriched with new ways, The rules of the roulette remain unchanged over time And they will be handed down to the next generations for years.

Only after learning the basic concepts of the operation of the roulette and its main rules, can you move on to the next level, or to document yourself on various strategies and useful methodologies To give a fort to luck.

There are strategies like the bet on the dozen, bet on the column or focus on red or black, even or odd, low or high (For the latter we recommend an important post on the forum on the doubling system).



In the Real roulette tables There were very iron standard rules on pointing their chips; For example, a player had to announce his episode clearly and understandablely which was considered valid only after being confirmed by the table head, which will have ascertained that the player was in possession of the amount requested for the episode.

It was also the obligation of the players, to check that the Croupier correctly positioned the requested episodes and in case of misunderstandings, the casino was not responsible for any missed winnings.

Contrary to what you see in many films, only players can be seated at the game table, any companions will have to stay standing.

Obviously in the online versions these rules are not taken into consideration in the least Since it is the same player who positioned the chips.


hi ivan and gilberto, prima di tutto ci vogliamo scusare per il commento di gilberto al quale evidentemente abbiamo dimenticato di rispondere, a volte succede che nella programmazione dei post e delle risposte accada qualche disguido. in ogni caso rimediamo subito al primo quesito dicendo che, per quanto riguarda le puntate, sia i limiti massimi che anche quelli minimi sono stabiliti di volta in volta dal tavolo di gioco con il quale ti trovi ad interagire. This means that there is no minimum or standard episode, each table establishes their limits that the players will have to respect to validate their bets, which can also be modified in turn always by the table itself. questa è una componente delle regole della roulette che il giocatore deve assolutamente conoscere perché gli consente di scegliere il tavolo che più si dimostra conveniente nei suoi confronti, così come è fondamentale conoscere il vantaggio intrinseco del banco citato da ivan. quindi caro ivan ti diciamo subito che si, il vantaggio del banco è un concetto molto importante da sapere per poter iniziare a giocare serenamente alla roulette. non è una regola standard delle roulette questa, in quanto, se hai letto bene l’articolo c’è anche accennato, tale vantaggio cambia da una versione all’altra, ad esempio la roulette europea è più vantaggiosa per il giocatore perché presenta una casella in meno di quella americana. se ci pensi bene è perfettamente comprensibile che le sale da gioco abbiano un certo margine di vantaggio “matematico” sul giocatore, nel mondo reale così come in quello virtuale, questo per il semplice motivo che la casa da gioco deve riuscire ad avere un rendimento in qualche modo stabile da ogni giocata. questo vale non solo per la roulette, ma anche per tutti gli altri giochi d’azzardo esistenti, il banco deve avere per forza un margine di probabilità in più a suo favore, anche se questo margine, stabilito delle regole della roulette, è molto basso in confronto ad altre tipologie di giochi d’azzardo, si assesta infatti sul 2,70% rispetto a giochi come ad esempio il lotto, dove si aggira addirittura sul 60% anche all’interno dei vari giochi presenti nei casinò online questo margine è molto variabile ed in termini di rendimento ti possiamo dire che la roulette è uno di quelli per te più vantaggiosi. con la speranza di esservi stati utili ed aver fugato i vostri dubbi vi salutiamo e vi invitiamo a continuare a seguirci.



i have been studying some gambling games for some time because i am very interested in this type of fun, even if i have not yet deepened well, as i have found myself playing for now only at the common slot machines, the classic machines from bar to understand. by dint of seeing online casino advertising, especially on social networks i decided to deepen the game of gambling online and at the moment i am analyzing the rules of the roulette a little, a game that i consider among the most beautiful and elegant even just looking at it. i was wondering in this regard what the "advantage of the counter" means in practice, in the sense that it seems to me a topic that it necessarily had to deepen better when dealing with games of this type. the fact is that reading articles and pages of sites here and this concept is never precise but is always on the vague, which is why i would like to have a slightly more in -depth explanation, if possible, in this sense, to avoid to take false steps when i start playing actively. maybe i misunderstood, but is the advantage of the counter part of the standard rules of the roulette or is there any difference in this regard from offline, online and types?



What are the maximum episodes in the Roulette game