Il system of repetition of dozen and columns with roulette it's a simple to understand system, immediate, easy to apply, fun and which can also give discreet winnings in the short term without risking a lot of money.

In any case, we recommend setting up Limited winning objectives e di short Even when these simple systems are played, because in the long run, the negative series will surely present themselves.

According to many, however The method of repeating dozen and columns is one of the most effective on the square, if only is much more reliable than hers tight relative system of dozen of which we have already treated in another article on Playuscasino. Here because.

Because it is popular

Roulette game is a passion for many and, many fans, they want to try some systems to see if they manage to carry out more winnings.

Logically when it comes to systems and strategies for roulette there are somewhat discordant opinions and after all it is normal that it is so, a player who is well with a particular system because he has managed to win, he will prefer it to another who instead has not him given the desired fruits and so on.

The strategy of the repetition of dozen and columns is one of those that puts everyone a little, as easy, fast, relatively economic and effective in most cases, all characteristics that gambling players cannot What to appreciate.

For these peculiarities, it is suitable for being applied by both more experienced players and novices, as it does not require any particular knowledge or basic preparation, It is sufficient to know the rules of the roulette well And the differences between dozens and columns.


The legal method of repeating dozens and columns

Especially for novice players, it is worth focusing for a moment on the meaning of what we are going to talk about starting from the explanation of What are the dozen in the roulette.

Even if you have only seen a few times and escaping a roulette table you will certainly realize that on it they are arranged uncultivated by the numbers, these numbers are always 36, regardless of the version of roulette that you will go to choose, because zero, or zeros in case of American roulette, are not inserted in any dozen.

So we said 36 numbers, which can be easily grouped in 3 different dozen, from 1 to 12, from 13 to 24 and from 25 to 36, then respectively first, second and third dozen.

The columns, on the other hand, are those strips of horizontal numbers, thus arranged on the green table in a number attributable to 3, as they always concern those 36 numbers of which before, which we consequently call the first second and third column.

To have a visual idea of what we are talking, you just need to take a look at the image of the table that you find at the beginning of this article to be able to easily see the first column with the numbers from 1 to 34, the second from 2 to 35 and the third from 3 to 36.


Operation of the system of repetition of the dozen

Once the meaning of the terminology of this method is understood, we can move on to enter a little more in detail on its modus operandi e This is the functioning of the reliable system of the repetition of dozen and columnsnull Let's consider the nine groups of associated columns and dozen:

  1. D1-C1: DOZZINA 1 (Numbers from 1 to 12) and Colonna 1 (column that starts with 1 and ends with 34)
  2. D1-C2
  3. D1-C3
  4. Well-c 1
  5. Daka
  6. D2-C3
  7. Let-1
  8. Scatter
  9. Come on

The system says of focus on the dozen and column corresponding to the latest number extracted For example, if the number 27 came out in the last extraction, we focus on the third dozen and a piece on the third column.

At each extraction we can run into one of the following events:

  • Both (Both the dozen and the column) they win: = = +4 pieces
  • Both forgive (even if zero comes out) = -2 pieces
  • Wins one of the two (or the dozen or the column) = +1 piece

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In the event that we do not guess the dozen, neither the column, we can recover the loss guessing only one of the two bets twice. Otherwise if we guess both the dozen and the right column, we recover two negative hands in one fell swoop.

Unlike Other strategies to win at roulette, il Dozzine Colonne system is quite reliable even if played for a period of medium length. Some players prefer to wait to aim until a series of three losers in a row occurs (Remember that in the online roulette you can turn the vacuum wheel). But keep in mind that in the roulette every hand is independent of the previous ones.

Il certain system of repeating dozens and columns It is a very simple system that does not require mathematical knowledge nor a iron discipline: you can therefore vary it as desired by trying to remain in the suggested gaming scheme.

Example of application of the dozen system - columns

Extract Colonna Dozen Episode Win I earn Total Note
3 3 1
27 3 3 2 3 +1 +1 Column 3 has been repeated
5 2 1 2 0 -2 -1 Lost shot
20 2 2 2 3 +1 0 The 2 + 1 piece column has been repeated
13 1 2 2 3 +1 +1 The dozen 2 has been repeated
31 1 3 2 3 +1 +2 Column 1 has been repeated
28 1 3 2 6 +4 +6 We took both the column and the dozen


Our opinion on the system of repetition of the dozen

As always we repeat for each roulette system, The fact that this is an easy method to learn and put into practice must not make you lose sight of your main goal, namely not to run out your game account.

Each strategy applied to gambling must be considered as potentially winning as equally losing. There are no particular rules on the duration of its application nor standard guarantees. The only rule can be given by trying to amounts a certain limitation of use, therefore the choice of the value of the chips; It is always your money, never forget it.

Il system of repetition of dozen and columns with roulette it is overall from easily controllable risk, Which can also lead you to significant winnings, however, investing reduced capital compared to other methodologies which we have treated in other sections of this site.

The thing we suggest during its use is calm, patience and above all the awareness and mastery of one's actions and budget.

For personal experience we found that usually with an initial budget of 20 pieces if you are not particularly unlucky you get on average a 6/8 pieces gain. Our advice is to stop, take a break and then start a new game.

For any question, consideration or advice regarding this system, we have opened a discussion on the forum: The repetition system dozen columns to the roulette.


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iconfirmthevalidityoftherepetitionsystemofthedozeniuseoftenandtodateithasonlybroughttome,indeedslowlyihavereplacedittoalltheotherstrategiesthatihaveusedovertimebutthattheyhavenotgivenmegreatintermsofeffectiveresults. iplayedforsometimeatsimplebutalsomorecomplexsystems,withupsanddownsfortheloveofgod,butoverallifimakeatotalaccount,therepetitionofthedozenandcolumnsnevercausedmemanysignificantlosses,indeedmeithasincreasedthebankrollevenconsiderably. thatyousaythesystemsfortherouletteifyoudonotexaggerateintheendcanalsowork,whattodowithit,youmustalwaysclashwithyourluck,butifyoudothingswellandyoudon'triskitthatithinkyouwillalsoleveyousomegoodsatisfactionsnull ihaveseveralplayerswhodonotlikesystemswherethereistowaittoomuchandtrythebigblow,ifokayok,ifitgoeswrongtheyhadcalculateditandtheywillrefer,iplayinanotherway,iprefertomakesmallcontrolledwinningswithoutputtingmygamingaccountatrisk,theneveryoneisfreetothinkofitastheywant. theonlythingthatmakesthedifferenceisinmyopiniontheexpectationyouhavefromgambling,ifyouaretheretohaveanicesystemfortherouletteformeremainstherepetitionofthedozen,ifinsteadyouareinsidetotrytohurleverythingidon'tthinkthisisthemethodforyou,asnobodyis,inthosecasesibelievethatyoushouldonlybeverylucky. ciaoragazzi,apresto.