The dream of every professional roulette player and also that of those who play every now and then to distract themselves, is that of Win with a full numbernull In addition to the fact that you are paid 36 times what you have bet, it is a great satisfaction to have managed to guess the exact number that came out.

But if you are not very good at guessing, you could choose to use a reliable system like that of the columns who will be able to give you some Excellent results If you have the patience to learn and use it when you play, even if it is not honest at all to be honest.

Result easier to play the columns strategy in online casinos, because you have the opportunity to take notes on a sheet of paper, or on excel, compared to a real casino where you would have forced themselves to remember everything.

Column method by type of roulette

Il columns method is applicable to each Roulette variant available, the choice in this sense is very subjective, if you prefer the French roulette, the American variant, or European, does not matter, on each wheel that you decide to play know that you can experience this type of system safely.


Legal method of columns in practice

The possibility of playing comfortably seated on the armchair of your home from a large margin of use to a system like that of the columns, above all because you will have the opportunity to use a sheet of paper, necessary for the application of this method.

Il Column makeup However, it has an appearance that plays a little against those players who are very impulsive, that is, it is a method that, in the event that it applies from your home does not require particular memory, but at the same time requires a great dose of patience, being one strategy that repays only on the long distance.

Now let's see a practical example of how to use this methodology.

A table with 9 columns of 4 spaces is prepared on a sheet, so as to have 36 boxes in everything and fill these boxes with numbers from 1 to 36 putting a number per box. At this point the player will have to begin to mark the numbers released on this table.

Obviously to do this he will be forced to run the roulette and as we all know, it is not possible to do it for free, but in order to use this strategy we still need extracted numbers and therefore the player is in front of a dilemma.

How to play by losing as little as possible in order to collect the numbers necessary to implement the strategy?

Simple: focusing on red/black and even/odd combinations that allow us to play for a long time without having particular fluctuations of the capital available to us.

As the number of our games will increase, we will see that the numbers marked on our table will be more and more. When we get to have 3 numbers out of 4 already released in a column, it will be time to put our strategy into practice. This is because 27 numbers will be released on the 36 total, leaving 9 numbers not yet released.

From this moment on, we will play on each of the numbers of the column available a fiches, for the maximum duration of 9 times, if we obviously not be able to win first.

In fact, focusing on each of those numbers, we have the opportunity to go into earnings up to a maximum of eight attempts, with the ninth we would go to a draw.

The cycle must be considered finished even if with the ninth attempt it did not win, because otherwise even in the event of a victory it would be loss.

Statistically there are many more chances to win before the end of the 9 attempts, but even if once it should happen that a series of attempts goes in empty there is no need to worry; In fact, this is a strategy that is based on the long term, and therefore a pair of empty series is not worrying.


Column system: calm!

Calm is the virtue of the strong as well as an essential component for implement the columns method with profit null It is precisely for this reason that this is a strategy that cannot be improvised, but must be applied from the first laps of your every hand.

The possibility of taking notes facilitates even more the implementation of what at first glance could be a complex system, but which is instead very simple in understanding its dynamics and in the relative execution during the game.

We said a sheet of paper, but at the same time to take notes you can leverage virtual technology and use a Classic Excel sheet, with which to simply recreate a table in a couple of clicks and note all numbers extracts during the execution of the column system.

On the long distance this is a method that brings good results, at the same time, however, as we have always repeated and for all strategies, this system will also give the best of if only if it is supported at an indispensable dose of luck, which in the event of scarce could frustrate all its basic effectiveness.


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Hi Massimo. The column method is based on 9 columns divided into 4 sessions that give a total of 36 cells (such as the numbers on the roulette). The application of this method predicts that the player marks all the numbers released at the roulette up to cover the 3/4 of the total cells, thus remaining with 9 numbers not yet released. From this moment on, he can start focusing on each available number, therefore a maximum of 9 episodes. The important thing is that regardless of the results, after the 9 episode, the column method from scratch is over again. As we wrote, this method requires a lot of patience, but in the long run it brings satisfaction.



Good evening, the method thus described is not very clear. Is an example possible? Thank you.

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