Although some portals will ensure the opposite, in the Roulette game, there is still no safe and guaranteed method 100% neither To win at electronic roulette nor in that livenull This statement refers to both authorized casinos ADM that to the non -Adm game portals, which we at Playuscasino consider unlawfulnull There are no tricks to cheat the counter or to cheat the casino.

However, there are some strategies or systems designed for roulette that increase the chances of winning In the short term and which decrease the chances of losing the long run, minimizing the mathematical advantage of the counter. An unfortunate evening can still happen to anyone, and therefore also a reliable strategy that has led us to several good earnings could betray us.

The bankroll

First of all, we would like to emphasize that the only one Truly winning technique for online roulette, like any game of gambling, is the Bankroll control: the figure that was decided to put into play. A player who pays attention to the capital put into play has an extra gear than those who pay little attention to how much he "invest" before making a win. A player who has his balance under control knows when he has to stop and when he has to pick up without thinking about it twice.


The Playuscasino system: how to win at online roulette

We assume that, if mathematics is not an opinion and if we make a number of games tending to infinity, winning at roulette is a mathematically impossible goal. It is good therefore not to look for tricks to burn the roulette, but it is essential to rely on common sense and luck.

According to the staff Playuscasino eAccording to many forum users who do not trust the Online roulette random, it is advisable, instead of making long play on a single casino, play on multiple casino at the same time, prefiguring a Massimo winning roof and a maximum expenditure roof, at the end of which to stop and close the game session.

For example, instead of trying to win $ 50 in one session on a single casino, we recommend that you offer you $ 5 on 10 different casinos: much more feasible and decidedly less risky.


Developments and useful advice

There are also some important precautions regarding the choice of the type of roulette.

A system for roulette that helps the player, but who does not ask him to make any exact calculation, is the Choice of the tablenull In fact playing a European table it is cheaper for the player compared to an American table.

To make you the most understandable thing, in American table The bench, due to double zero, has a precise and pre -established margin of advantage compared to the players of beyond the 5%, margin which in the European table is reduced to 2.6%.

Another small trick is to play a table where the game options are present "In prison"On external bets (In case of exit of the 0 you do not automatically lose your bet, but it is detained by the Croupier who will make another shot and it will be the one to decide, if you win the episode will be returned otherwise it will be lost). With this game option the margin of the advantage of the house lowers to 1.35% in the external episodes.

Another option, although unfortunately not widespread at the game tables, is the "Resa", which allows you in case of Exit of 0 or double 0, to lose only half of the bet made on external bets.

One of the enormous advantages for online players, but also of other gambling games found in the casino on the internet, is to be able to play for free, therefore without spending a penny. It is true that with this method Nothing is won, but it is also true with this technique you can play for free all the time you want, trying like this without money the various systems for all types of roulette To understand what the best is.

Casino often offer bonuses, such as the bonuses on the first recharge. These bonuses increase your initial bankroll, even if all casinos impose on the player Play the bonus a number of times (Playthrough), before they can collect the winnings that arise from the bonus granted.

With the roulette it is very simple. For example by playing on red or black, or on the peer and odd, many play can be made, having the certainty of having a good collection without too many risks. But be careful that Roulette's game usually affects 10% (and not 100%) in the calculation of the Playthrough, in many cases it does not generate the volume of the game and therefore does not affect the calculation of the pt. If you play in the non -Adm casinos (non -legal), Keep in mind that probably playing roulette during a bonus will cancel the bonus itself.


Roulette tricks: many but none infallible

We still want to dwell on this concept because it is of fundamental importance to have the full awareness What we go to treat when it comes to Safe strategies and systems for roulette.

Surfing the net for several years now we have realized how much bad information there is about Winning game techniques and methods for roulette, made of inaccurate, misleading, useless news and most of the time absolutely false.

This depends on the fact that still today there are those who take advantage of the good faith of people, especially of those who are less experienced, to trim some rips or sun of all kinds, with the ultimate goal of taping money.

We at Playuscasino take a lot of online reputation that we have done over time and we want as much as possible to make you Open your eyes in front of those who offer you techniques and tips for roulette who make miracles and with whom you will have the victory in the pocket, for the simple reason that it is not possible that it is so.

The reality is in fact very different from what is so painted, in fact, if on the one hand it is true that they exist Roulette strategies that can help you increase your winnings, it is equally true that they are not infallibleedo not work perfectly when putting in place.

This because In the Roulette game the Fortuna component makes the difference, always. You can adopt the best system in the world, but if that evening luck decides not to travel on your side there is nothing to do.

The best system for Loss roulette - the red and black doubling

We have already discussed for a long time on the forum here And we want to summarize it in a nutshell also in this guide: the doubling system on red and black (on black (on the par and on the odd or on any simple chance) is the best method to lose roulette.

Continuing to double the bet at any unfavorable extraction, pointing only 1 $, hoping to Win 1 $, after 10 draws you will find yourself in having to aim 1024 $ (1x2x2.. 10 volte = 210=1024)

Pointing $ 1024 or more to win $ 1 is a safe bet?


Systems are more effective if you know the rules well

One of the most common mistakes that are made when you are about to face a roulette table is to think that they are all the same.

It is true, the ultimate goal of the game is easy to understand and even its basic rules can be replicated in the various versions of the game, with light differences that must be known and of which we must have full mastery in order to subsequently push us to Apply the best known systems dedicated to roulette.

The first thing to consider is that its rules have been designed to encourage the game house in the long run, which must necessarily earn from our games. The adoption of the boxes with zero is therefore understandable “0” In European and double zero roulette “00” in the case of the American one.

Once the fundamental rules and changes of the same are included in the different variants, we can climb the next step, starting to experiment with the Best roulette strategies known all over the world.

Always keep in mind that all Roulette strategies are effective only in the short term, because in the one statistically the casino will always have an advantage over the player, so this is one of the main things that must be taken into account when you decide to move on to the various methods. Earning money to roulette is a difficult feat, so arguing with patience and common sense.

Now that you understand these fundamental passages we can give a general look at the various existing roulette systems, referring to a more in -depth explanation for each individual system in the appropriate dedicated section.


Some roulette strategies for interesting winnings

Making the debt premise that it is Systems designed for live roulette That for the online one are many and those listed below are the most interesting for us, we always recommend that you apply them with caution whenever you need to give a help to luck.

Leaving aside a very famous system used by millions of players all over the world and which, however, is very expensive and in our opinion not as effective as the “Martingala” o "Doubling" What do you want, one of the best known is the “Dazzine system, simple as an application and which offers large probability of winning.

Equally famous and used by the best world players is the “Paroli system", Easy to apply but which must be treated with caution, as it is not based on particular scientific or mathematic data and goes to marry a lot of the fortune component, if you want deepen this system go to this section.

Many roulette fans entrust the fate of their games to "Biloxi system": ancient Roulette strategy from Kansas City, with which there will be more possibility of winning, even if not particularly high amounts due to his application method.

Excellent roulette system Also the “Metodo Labouchere”, of particular effectiveness on simple episodes.

Very interesting for roulette fans is the "Fibonacci system", which finds fields of application even outside the famous gambling.

Even more effective than Dozen system It is that of the "Repetition dozens and columns", elected by professionals as one of the systems for roulette between the most reliable.

A good dose of attention and memory is the one required by "Column method", during the application of this method, however, a written annotation of what happens on the wheel is necessary if you don't want to go crazy and keep everything in mind, We recommend how to do it.

Derivation "land" Il "Tris Method": Very used in real casinos, he did not take too long to make his triumphant entry even in online ones, with the result of being one of the most used by virtual players to date.



The systems and methods for the roulette we have mentioned are among the most famous and in our opinion they belong to the band of the most effective ones. The only recommendation we feel we are doing in this regard is to use them but never abuse them.

Be wary of new systems that promise easy earnings. And always keep in mind that Roulette is a game conceived mathematically at a logical level so that the counter has an advantage towards the player: it is a perfect game, in which the roulette is invincible, the casino is unbeatable!

For those interested, we created one Forum section dedicated to systems for roulette experts.


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hi ziegler, normalmente commenti come questo non vengono accettati sotto ad un post nel nostro sito, per un motivo molto semplice, che non si capisce bene dove vuoi andare a parare. partendo dal presupposto che noi non abbiamo intenzione di fare pubblicità a nessuno e tanto meno di dare spazio a chi propone sistemi per roulette non precisati, magari facendosi pagare per rivelarli. detto questo non mettiamo in dubbio che ci siano altre strategie per la roulette che noi non conosciamo, ma considera che detta così come hai esordito tu la cosa rimane molto ambigua ed è un po’ difficile da valutare. non vogliamo essere scortesi con te, non ti conosciamo e puoi avere anche tutta la buona fede del mondo, ma perdona il nostro scetticismo in proposito, ogni giorno ci sono persone che sui vari portali millantano di aver inventato il sistema definitivo per vincere alla roulette o ad un altro gioco non fa differenza. chi ci dice che tu non sia uno di questi? quindi la prima cosa che ti suggeriamo di fare è di non postare niente qui, ma semmai di farlo nel nostro forum, spiegando la metodologia applicata, possibilmente con degli esempi concreti così da poter valutare la bontà della tua strategia. ci sono tanti giocatori esperti che vedrai non mancheranno di esprimere il loro parere a riguardo, una sola raccomandazione però, se pubblicizzi qualche metodo strano, illegale o a pagamento devi sapere che verrai immediatamente allontanato da questo sito. quindi per il momento restiamo in attesa di tue notizie, Ciao.



hieveryone,ijustreadyourarticleonroulettesystemsandinthisregardiwouldliketoletyouraudienceknowabouttheexistenceofasystemthatihavebeenusingforseveralyearspersonallyanditisbringingmediscreetresults. hosempregiocatoutilizzandostrategieperlerouletteclassiche,fralequalidiversediquellecheavetecitatovoinelvostropezzo,manonmihannodatomaigrandirisultati,quindihodecisodimettermiastudiarepercontomioinmododarealizzareunsistemapersonalizzatocheriesceagarantirmimoltevinciteinpiùdeisistemifinoadoggipiùconosciuti. voglioprecisarechenonsonoquipervenderenullaanessuno,maancheperfarsapereaigiocatorichefrequentanoquestositochesistemiperrouletteefficacineesistonoanchealtrichemagarinonsonocosìconosciuti,masonofruttodistudiapprofonditi,comequellocheusoio. isistemipervincerealcasinòchetutticonosciamosonostatipursempreinventatidaqualcuno,quindinonvedoperchésidebbariteneresempreunimpostorequalcunaltrochepuòdimostrarediavereinventatounametodologiaaltrettantovalida. conquestononvoglioassolutamenteaffermarecheconilmiosistemasidiventaricchi,maaltempostessopossodimostrarecheessorisultapiùefficacedimoltialtribenpiùconosciutieritenutiottimali. perquestomotivovichiedoseecomepossofarvedereilmiometodo,osemagariqualcunomivuolecontattareprivatamenteperaveredellespiegazioniinproposito.grazie.