The methods of the seven hands and the sixth they are an alternative to Blackjack base strategy system with the table And it recommends how to behave according to the cards on the game table. Obviously, other game strategies can be used at the same time to try to considerablely increasing the income of the winnings made.

In this article we will explain these 2 simple strategies That they will be able to help you in your player career and that we hope they can make you win most of the games. These 2 strategies can be divided into 2 phases, one of observation and the other of the game.

Most of the various systems applicable to this famous card game have been handed down for generations, Since the dawn of the blackjack itself, others are a little more recent, but all have a discreet scientific component behind them. The advanced strategies for blackjack are not only based on luck, as happens for example with most of those of the roulette, but are the subject of in -depth statistical studies and the calculation of the probability.

The observation phase

Player, in the observation phase, simply will have to act as a spectator during the performance of a certain number of hands at the Blackjack table, focusing on certain factors in particular.

After analyzing, and preferably taken note of the key factors requested by the strategy, the player can move on to second phase of the same, that of the game, perhaps using the tables of the basic strategy to be even more likely to success.

Always keep in mind that, If you are playing online, you can take advantage of the fact that Nobody prevents you from taking notes and then using them later at stakenull You also have the opportunity to use reference material when you are in difficulty or don't remember some details well. If you play live, on the contrary, you may not have such a behavior and you should keep everything in mind.


First strategy Blackjack: 7 -handed method

The 7 -hands method in the Blackjack is not well known Not even by the true enthusiasts, who generally prefer similar methods, such as the most famous system of sizenull This system is similar to that of the 7 hands, but different in its practical application.

The seven -hands strategy is based on the fact That following the observation phase, rigorously of logic, the outcome of the bets will not be the same and this gives us the opportunity to know when playing.

In fact, if in the seven hands preceding the first hand it has been won, in the seven hands he will not be played. If the second time, however, it has been lost, this time it will be played, and so on until seven other game hands are held.

The 7 -hand system is a reliable strategy and requires a fair dose of patience To be successfully applied, obviously also this, like any other strategy in the world available for blackjack and gambling in general, cannot be guaranteed in any way a certain win.

According to the 7 -hand method, it is very difficult for the combinations of winnings and losses to be the same in the following ones. By writing down these data, you will have valuable information that will suggest you how to set your game tactic. All this, however, in case of adverse fate could remain only a beautiful theory, therefore be careful to always have the awareness of this.


Second Blackjack strategy: sixth method

The same goes for the Sixth method in Blackjack: game strategy also in this case rather advanced and not exactly common use. Here too, as in the seven -hands method, there is a first phase of "Monitoring", of observation of what happens that will define how to behave when there is an active entry into the game.

Also The Sesto system examines numerical and statistical calculations and studies the chancesnull In this way you can get to have a certain balance of the game, which should be exploited in your favor by drawing on the data that will be recorded from time to time.

With this method Six game hands are examined, in which the player will have to write down the number of victories and defeats and on this the choice of whether or not will be based on this.

According to the statistics, if in the first six hands he won only 1 time and 5 games were lost, the exact opposite should happen in the next six hands.

Obviously the player will look for play major sums in the six hands in which there are multiple games in his favor And on the contrary, keep a low profile when it has less favorable hands.

The sixth method is reliable And it is part of those strategies that require a remarkable dose of patience for their application, they are therefore not suitable for players a little too impulsive and substantially not even to the beginners, also because in addition to the initial study phase, this method could request a more important initial deposit than others.

Because? Because The sixth strategy cannot give you immediate winnings, but if anything, it fruits in the medium and long term, so the possibility of initial losses is present. In what case, having a good budget will certainly be able to make the difference.

Both methodologies analyzed above bring with them a certain risk component, especially in the initial phase and as we have said they are systems that give the best of themselves on the long distance. However, this does not forbid to start experimenting with in the free versions that online casinos make available to you, or in those with a minimum episode of 10 cents.


0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
1.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

35x playthrough

Live games available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
5.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

20x playthrough

Live games available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
1.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

35x playthrough

Live games available

hello wires, ma grazie a te del commento e della fiducia che ci hai dato, siamo contenti di averti fatto scoprire qualcosa che ancora non sapevi, questo sito serve proprio ad informare adeguatamente su tutto quello che c’è da sapere di utile per poter giocare al massimo delle possibilità. si è vero il metodo delle 7 mani non è usatissimo, ciò non deve però andare a scapito della sua efficacia, ogni sistema per blackjack è studiato ed ha dietro precisi calcoli statistici, motivi che fanno diventare ciascuno di essi un’arma in più che puoi utilizzare nel corso delle tue partite. e’ proprio il fatto di essere un gioco dove la strategia ha un certo peso che fa sembrare tutti i sistemi per blackjack simili, il che è anche vero se ci pensi bene, la matematica e la statistica non sono un opinione in fondo no? l’efficacia di un sistema va poi sempre di pari passo alla componente fortuna, chi spaccia strategie come assolutamente sicure non dice il vero, anzi siamo alla totale disinformazione, cosa che noi cerchiamo di combattere giornalmente e lo facciamo da anni con i nostri articoli. anche il metodo delle 7 mani e il metodo del sesto non fanno eccezione, sono utili, possono essere risolutivi, ti danno un grande aiuto nell’effettuare le tue scelte ma, nel caso le indicazioni che questi sistemi ti forniscono si rivelino errate non è certo perché queste sono strategie sbagliate di base, hai solo incappato nella serata, mano o partita sfortunata, tutto qui. vediamo spesso giocatori che si buttano a capofitto in sistemi che erroneamente vengono definiti vincenti, noi non vogliamo che anche i nostri lettori incorrano in questo tipo di problemi, cerchiamo quindi di tutelarli il più possibile nel nostro piccolo. quando abbiamo la conferma di essere stati utili come nel tuo caso siamo molto appagati, facci sapere come ti sei trovato col sistema, Ciao.



evidently i am not a player as shrewd as i thought i was because today i discovered the existence of two systems that i had never heard of, indeed the 7 -handed method to tell the truth had happened to see it applied once and even i had confused it with that of size, but the sixth method is truly new to me in every sense. while knowing that in blackjack it is not good to play blindly, i often do not use particular systems, if not the tables, because i consider all the others very cumbersome and not as efficient as some portals want to make us believe and which, among other things, are all very similar between they, at least for such a superficial vision as i have had to date. however, this method of the 7 hands intrigued me and i will intend to try it as soon as possible, i like the idea of not having to invest immediately but to view the course of the game to get an idea of how mine might be done, that i will experience it and then maybe i update you to let you know how i went. in short, today i learned something new and thank you! threads.

ciao, sianelmetododelle7manicheinquellodelsestolemanifiniteinpareggionondevonoesserecontate,quindirisultanonulle.

C Pergio from


How we must behave if you equalize. We give it void, loser or winning