History tells us that the bblackjack In the past it is born as a variant of the French version of the baccarat, or of Railway, in French casinos during the 18th century, taking the name of "Twenty one" which means precisely 21.

Initially Blackjack had slightly different rules from today's onesIn fact, the game was a succession of hands, each with its own bets, until a player made a 21, in that case he won and received the bets of the other players. In this article we will analyze all the evolutions to the present day.

The debuts of Blackjack

Games similar to "Twenty one" they were the "Half past seven" American, and the "31" Spanish, in which the score to be obtained to win (in seven and a half the figures valid for half a point changed, but the purpose of the game was the same: to reach a certain score without passing it.

Around 1800 it lands in the United States and takes its name to which we are used to, with this name we meant the hand in which the player received The jack and the ace of spades as first 2 cards And with which 10 to 1 was paid, a very rare and for this reason it is well paid.

Subsequently, the rules changed, indicating with "BlackJack" Any combination of jack and ace as a first hand, but the winning decreased to a relationship of 3 to 2, which is what we are used to.

Up to here The history of Blackjack resembles that of other gambling, but in the 60s of the last century with the release of the book "Beat the Dealer" of the teacher Edward Thorp The golden age for mathematical studies on Blackjack begins.

In these years, in fact, the first are born Techniques for the counting of cards, certainly not within everyone's reach for their complexity and the Basic strategy for Blackjack, this contrary to easy assimilation.

Nowadays, thanks to the constant commitment of mathematicians and scholars who have analyzed the game thoroughly, accurate and sophisticated systems and strategies are available that make the player's life, professional and non -, much simpler. In the nineties with the ever greater diffusion of the Internet and the birth of the first online casinos, blackjack also set foot in the online gambling and immediately becomes one of the most loved games from bettors from all over the world.

Nowadays Casino always offer different types of blackjacks to try to bring new players to their tables, in certain casinos you get to have up to 40 different types of blackjacks. The choice is truly wide and it is impossible not to find the right table for us.

Live casinos have further sanctioned its popularity. Many versions of live blackjack available today, also thanks to great software-house such as EvolutionePLAYTECH.

Between Playtech Live versions more in vogue we find:

  • Live Blackjack Lobby
  • American Blackjack VIP
  • All Bets Blackjack
  • Majority Rules Speed Blackjack

While among those of Evolution we have:

  • Blackjack Fortune VIP
  • Clubhouse Gold Room
  • twentyone

We only mentioned some, but among the lists of Adm legal online casino, There is no shortage of versions of Blackjack live to choose from.


Blackjack: secular evolution that does not affect its charm

In telling the story of Blackjack, it is worth underlining how much time has passed since Genesis of Blackjack to date and how much its charm has remained undeniably intact.

In fact, in practical terms, there is not much difference between playing a game in Blackjack in a traditional casino and one in an innovative online casino. Today you have this more possibility, which takes nothing to the game itself, indeed it always manages to give you something in addition.

It is true, there has been a slight change of its rules over the centuries, but this has not influenced the level of approval passed as well as through centuries even between different countries, each of which claims its authorship.


1 $
P. Min per blackjack
1.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

45x playthrough

Live games not available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
10.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

0x playthrough

Live games available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
2.500 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

35x playthrough

Live games available

The uncertainty about the birth of Blackjack

The real origins of the blackjack in the dawn are very vague, one of the most likely hypotheses is that it derives from the result of More card games combined with each other, therefore not only by the most accredited French Baccarat, but also by other card games in vogue in the Europe of 1500, which mark the beginning of the curious history of Blackjack.

One of these games was for example the "7 and a half laps", very widespread in USA, in which only cards from 8 up and the figures were used and whose purpose was to total a score of 7 and a half, being careful not to “Hut", Tyman who is also the basis of today's Blackjack.

Another, however, was what in Spain was known as "One and thirty", which presented rules very similar to the game of Blackjack as we know it today and therefore very accredited by the Spaniards themselves to be the father in all respects.

The fact is that After a couple of centuries the Blackjack path takes stop in France, where the French aristocracy is increasingly fascinated by what was defined as a game of "Twentyone" And it is from here that they begin to have very strong traces and that they bring back to the current game in all respects.


Blackjack: Evolution after the French Revolution

The game as we can find it today also within the online casino suffers its consecration at the time of the French Revolution, or when the people of migrants began to move en masse to North America in 1800, a country in which Blackjack has a true And just boom.

This type of fun, all European to that moment, begins to breach even in the heart of the passionate American bettors, who however become increasingly demanding and parallel to the desire to play also increased to win, which with the rules of time It wasn't that easy.

And this is how the first forms of bonuses also begin to appear, granted by the casinos of that time to encourage the games, which soon reveals not only a simple intuition, but but a real cure -all for American gaming houses, who manage to attract new players in their structures.

This looked like an infinite idyll, but unfortunately The story of this game is also dotted with not exactly rosy periods, like that of "American prohibition", during which the gambling was banned from everywhere. A real break this for all the gaming houses of that time but not for the bettors, because despite this, we continued to play Blackjack away from prying eyes in total clandestinity.

After several years of deprivation finally in 1931 a Great event happens in the history of the Blackjack game: Gambling returns to be legal In Nevada and Las Vegas is created to the delight of all Gambling fans.

From this moment on, for the Blackjack it has been all on the rise: the consents have increased constantly over time to the present day, when this type of game has become a "must"of all terrestrial and online casinos.

The modern story of the twenty -one does not need many other explanations, the liking by the public both real and virtual has confirmed it as one of those games "Indispensable" When it comes to Gambling.

It was such a great success that this famous card game has been the subject of studies and treaties, guides and continuous search for strategies to be able to maximize results adopted by millions of players all over the world.


1 $
P. Min per blackjack
1.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

45x playthrough

Live games not available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
10.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

0x playthrough

Live games available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
2.500 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

35x playthrough

Live games available

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hi beautiful people, it's always a pleasure to read you, every time i find myself online especially before playing i jump on your site to see if there is something new and interesting and i must say that you never get disappointed. as a passionate i know the story of the blackjack quite well, at least for what it should be, as they feel really many on its true origins, i sincerely no longer know how to distinguish what the true story is and what the myths that turn around are around. to see the film "21" i went there almost on purpose because all in all, truth or legend that i have always been fascinated by everything that runs around the game of gambling and in this case the story of the blackjack i would say that it is beautiful toasted, as well as that of roulette. i don't know if you have seen this film that talks about how a group of american students who are particularly ferred in mathematics manages to hurway several las vegas casinos through a system they have developed. all very nice and focused on a true story says, it seems to me a little strange that in reality you can get similar results, the fact is that the film is very beautiful and since i saw it my desire to play has increased even more, hello!