Playuscasino Blackjack App® It was developed by Playuscasino specifically for you. It is a'Free app to train in Blackjack that allows you to simulate a blackjack session and to obtain mathematically valid indications on the Right move of the basic strategy, as well as indications for Count the cards.

Programs to win at Blackjack: attention to scams

Although many say the opposite, The Blackjack software are in fact there, But nobody is able to guarantee you the victorynull Those they usually propose have strategies that do not work at the base and in the long run lead to losing. So be very careful, the web in general at 99% is "fake" and Playuscasino for more than 10 years to disassemble all the absurdities found around on the internet.

Playuscasino Blackjack App® is an indispensable tool for those who want to apply what they have learned in a free, interactive software that can be used on their phone or PC.

Playuscasino Blackjack App® »Play Free

The app and intuitive It is easy to use. Below you can find all the information.

How to use the software in a few simple steps:

  1. Select the type of counting you want to be used during Blackjack's hands. Keep in mind that the meter does not reset each hand, so as to allow you to train your hand cards after hand.
  2. Choose the number of decks for the session. 7 decks are usually used in live casino without automatic mixer. Using multiple decks allows you to train with the count longer.
  3. Train to use the basic strategy following the suggestion at the top right of the screen. Click on the orange button to open the table and view your hand, that of the counter and understand which is the recommended move.
  4. Train to count the cards using the meter in the upper left which updates as the cards are distributed. Each card has the indication with a blue sticker on the score to be added or subtract from the counter.
  5. Play, trained, amused and, if Playuscasino Blackjack App® You liked it, share it with friends!


Blackjack: is there a software to win the counter?

Many players wonder every day if Exist a software to beat the bench at the Blackjacknull They are looking for a reliable program to deceive the software using a few bugs or some game system and always beat the table. The answer is no: There are no bots, apps or software to win at online blackjack. One thing that must be said, however, is that, in addition to the recommended strategies such as the CARD COURTE o to Basic strategy table, there are also gods programs which can be used to facilitate our life, just like ours does Blackjack calculator.

Our simulator allows you to increase the chances of winning (or rather, to minimize the percentages of lost hands).

Time ago the software was in fashion “Blackjack Radar”, which, according to some alleged experts, allowed to obtain excellent results. Blackjack Radar It was a program that worked in a very simple way: after calculating the potential hand of the counter, he suggested the best moves to win.

Although it could be a valid support for less experienced Blackjack players, Blackjack Radar could not guarantee great winnings.


1 $
P. Min per blackjack
1.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

45x playthrough

Live games not available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
10.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

0x playthrough

Live games available

0,10 $
P. Min per blackjack
2.500 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

35x playthrough

Live games available

Effective software for blackjack? Keep an eye on the source

We said that Blackjack programs exist, but they are not as effective as they want to believenull So how can you find a reliable blackjack software?

The most important thing is to know how to select the sources of information. First of all be wary of those who are not impartial, That is, from all the sites that try to push that particular casino at all costs, perhaps talking badly of all the others, proposing their solutions such as fantastic Blackjack programs that automatically ensure formidable winnings.

Do not believe those who claim to have won that impressive figure to a precise game, exploiting unknown systems such as such and that perhaps it is found only by paying a tot to the inventor. Although they should give demonstrations or testimonies, remember that both are easily falsifiable.

He always listens with due detachment who claims to be a sailed player who traveled the world playing at every casino and exploiting a particular known method that has always worked. Remember: online casinos have their own dynamics and certain systems on the internet are not applicable (See the counting of the cards)


The best blackjack program lies in your brain

In light of all this you should have understood well that, as in the case of ours Playuscasino Blackjack App®, technology today can give you a hand to get to reach your goal but it does not make miraclesnull Face the challenge inside an online casino, especially trying a game like that of Blackjack, means first of all to trust yourself, look for a comparison to show off your skill and a pinch of luck that maybe you don't even think of having.

Every your hand will be strongly influenced by the decisions you will make from time to time, for this reason we say that The best program to win at Blackjack is in your head, because what you evaluate you as the game will flow will be decisive, Winning or losing will be a large part of your responsibility.

isoftware per blackjack They can be of great help especially to the less experienced players, but the important thing is that they do not completely rely on it.

Real players don't give "Under management" Their mind to a software, try, test and experiment.


0,01 $
P. Min per blackjack
10.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

35x playthrough

Live games available

0,01 $
P. Min per blackjack
10.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ★

35x playthrough

Live games available

0,50 $
P. Min per blackjack
5.000 $
P. Max per blackjack
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

20x playthrough

Live games available

hi ludus, grazie del commento che magari è un occasione di approfondimento su quanto gira intorno ai programmi per blackjack in rete e su cosa aspettarsi poi in pratica da essi. la prima cosa da tenere sempre in considerazione quando si parla di software per blackjack è che essi possono fornirti un aiuto per imparare a contare le carte, ma i loro ambiti di applicazione sono comunque limitati, in quanto online il conteggio è alquanto improbabile, nei casinò reali è invece vietato, quindi qualunque versione di programma tu sceglierai va usato sempre con molta attenzione e parsimonia. non abbiamo mai usato software per vincere a blackjack per dispositivi cellulari e quindi non possiamo dare giudizi su nessuna applicazione in particolare, ma il fatto di averlo sul telefono richiede un attenzione in più specie se sei all’interno di un casinò, in altre parole se vuoi usarlo vedi di non farti cogliere in flagrante, passeresti sicuramente un brutto quarto d’ora. sicuramente il gambling è un fenomeno internazionale, noi in italia siamo solo un piccolo tassello di tutto il sistema, è quindi assolutamente normale che esistano programmi per blackjack per la maggior parte in lingua inglese, in quanto questa è una delle lingue più parlate nel mondo, di conseguenza i software di qualsiasi genere sono per la maggior parte sviluppati in questa lingua. in sostanza il giudizio che ti possiamo dare è solo generico e ricalca ciò di cui abbiamo discusso in questo articolo, ovvero i programmi automatici per aiutarci a vincere vanno intesi solo come una sorta di allenamento e di aiuto per decidere le tue giocate, nessuno di loro è affidabile al 100%, nessuno di loro è in grado di garantirti alcunché. il nostro consiglio su quel particolare software nasce dal fatto che esso è gratuito e molto intuitivo, non ci sentiamo quindi di dirti di acquistare programmi, specie se hanno anche costi elevati, indipendentemente da dove provengono il loro utilizzo sarà sempre e solo limitato, è bene chiarire e ribadire spesso questo concetto. ognuno poi è libero di fare e di provare tutto ciò che vuole, la raccomandazione è sempre la stessa; fate tutto con estrema moderazione. Ciao.

this article happened to me right at the right time since i was doing an internet ride to find out if it is true that there are programs to win in blackjack that they are reliable, i am not very iron in the subject and therefore i would not like to get ripped up that it seems online online they are on the agenda. i am not a usual blackjack player, i generally prefer poker but this game fascinates me for its immediacy and i would like to find a software that could give me help in some way. i don't know the program for blackjack that you mentioned, but as far as i could see around it is not that there is a lot of variety, at least as regards the thing in American, a lot of stuff is on foreign sites and in english, where i still have more fear of taking sound rips, which is why i stopped for a moment with the search. stopping on what i found in American the aforementioned blackjack radar seems good, i think i will try it, alternatively i found several applications to count the iphone cards but they are paid and they don't even cost little, i don't know if you are worth it and especially if they are functional for the purpose. obviously also in this case everything in english, is it possible that in American nothing is found? how do these programs act in practice, what are they based, can you give me a judgment about it? thank you.