Knowing how to manage your capital well, it is the first strategy (and also one of the most important) to play online casinos. The capital available is also called Bankrollnull Here we will see how to know how to better manage their availability in the most famous casino games, first of all the Blackjack.

Introduction to the effective management of Bankroll

Managing capital means most of the time learning to manage one's emotions and knowing when to stop: this is the most dangerous side of the vices and, in particular, of gambling. In the event that you have problems controlling or to understand when to stop, we advise you to ask for help by addressing experts.

A player who knows how to manage his capital (and above all his emotions) will hardly find himself in the situation of mental emptiness, typical of those who want to recover the winnings at all costs and tries to play without limits, taken from the wrong feeling.

To know how to better manage your capital, especially in Blackjack, you need to have its limits clearly, know how much money you have available, set a limit for losses, but also for the victories, which can be had. You will seem strange to hear about put a limit to your winnings, but it is not so unusual that a player who has had a very lucky start of the evening by bringing many winnings, then ends it by losing everything and maybe even more.

How many of you happened? We bet many, in fact on the Playuscasino forum, we often read about experiences of players who have won and then lost everything, perhaps fifting the capital and then losing it totally. But why did we not collect the winnings? Winning Porta Gioia and adrenaline. In some cases it is difficult to manage them, you feel in a positive moment and you believe (or hope) that you can continue on the same way. At this point it is necessary to ascertain not be too greedy At the game tables, otherwise it will not be understood when it is time to stop except, probably, when it is now too late.

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An intelligent method to start is that of Use only the money wonnull In this way, the initial capital will be Salvo and the possible perita of the easiest Bankroll to accept.


How do we manage the Bankroll in the Blackjack?

Let's take the example of a game in Blackjack.

For simplicity we are talking about units, 1 form as a unit of measurement. Then it is up to you to decide whether it is worth $ 1 or $ 0.1, it depends on your risk propensity and your capital.

per Manage the Bankroll at Blackjack And to play you will have to:

  1. Decide the % of the total capital you want to play. The higher the percentage the more you are inclined to risk and the more you risk losing quickly than the unit of measurement;
  2. Prefix the goal of an increased increase in the capital initially put.

These two choices depend other factors:

  1. If you are playing with i money deposited;
  2. If you are playing with winning money;
  3. If you have betting requirements to be completed due to pendant bonuses.

Assuming that everyone chooses if, how much and how to play, Depending on the various situations that can be there, we recommend:

  1. If you are playing with money moneyewithout bonus, play the maximum 5% of the capital, then if you deposit 100 played at a maximum of 5 by hand. Prepare the win of winning by 40%, that is 40
  2. If you are playing winnings with money Then increase the value of the chips of up to 40% of the capital, you have 2 or 3 attempts, e Stop just in winning an attempt
  3. If you have to respect the bet requirements, our advice is: Don't play Blackjack, which often does not contribute to completamento del playthrough del bonus

These percentages do not derive from any mathematical calculation, but only from common sense. Having 20 hands of margin we believe it is a discreet bankroll that can be managed and, above all, to be able to have fun.

If you are adverse to risk Then all these percentages reduce them further, consequently also decreasing the winning objectives.

If you are inclined to risk you will have a different approach; However, we advise you to fix the daily and weekly payment limits in your account account, in order to prevent any problems of big losses.


Reliable management of Bankroll: first strategy to be adopted

Gambling "at random" is in our opinion a great and coarse error, in which many players often fall, even assiduous visitors to gaming houses. There Bankroll management is the base Without which it is absurd to try his hand at gambling.

It's not about doing it in order to win: it's about understanding how to manage the money so as not to squander your own money in a few games. Yet often players get caught up in playing and do not realize that the management of the bankroll can make all the difference between a positive and an absolutely negative result.

In the example of the first we talked about the management of the Bankroll al Blackjack: similar considerations are worth for all games: There is never a standard To be respected, the players are different, each has their own game characteristics and consequently each of them relates to the same in a very different way. The basic idea, however, is to understand how many losers we have to endure in sequence without finishing our Bankroll.

A player who for example decides to play one Martingla with red and black at roulette (47.37% theoretical probability of success) cannot think of focusing 33% of your Bankroll: in fact, a succession of 3 draws with the same color in a row is not rare. In this case there would be no more money to be able to make a fourth hand. For this type of play we recommend having at least 10 episodes, the ideal would be 20. Obviously attention to the limits of episode at the table that could "ruin the party".


We learn to manage the Bankroll: bonus and freeroll

The freshest players, who find themselves at the beginning of their game path in online casinos, could have difficulty understanding how to manage their bankroll, since they could find themselves for the first time to have emotions related to winning and losing online.

A "painless" method to learn how to manage your Bankroll, is to start playing with bonuses or freerolls. This will allow you to understand in how long you can take advantage of a certain financial resources, what your favorite games are, how to react in the face of an important victory or a substantial loss.

Knowing yourself is a fundamental aspect of knowing how to play online casinos as well as knowing how to manage your Bankroll. Start by playing with money for free, try to see how and how much you want to play and then point your money. The "beauty" of online casinos is precisely the possibility of receiving bonuses that allow you to win without investing too much. We want to remind you once again, however, that when you receive bonuses, it will be necessary to reach the bet requirements before you can take. Make sure that the games you have chosen contribute to reaching data requirements.


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hi alfred, unfortunately yours is a somewhat common problem for many people, regardless of whether they are experts or not, the emotional component is a somewhat complex thing to command and it is not always possible. questo perché, da una parte ci sono i novelli giocatori, eccitati dall’idea di una nuova esperienza, ricca di adrenalina, che si lanciano nelle partite senza pensare ad altro se non il vincere a tutti i costi, dall’altra i giocatori più esperti, che hanno già passato la fase delle novità e delle emozioni ad essa legate e si sentono così sicuri da tralasciare l’aspetto del bankroll. questa è una dimenticanza molto frequente anche nei giocatori con un livello di esperienza maggiore, che, proprio la padronanza del gioco infatti tende a far si che essi si dimentichino quanto, in un gioco come il blackjack, la corretta gestione del proprio conto sia alla fine determinante. l’abbiamo già detto anche all’inizio, gestire il proprio capitale di gioco non è per niente semplice ed è per questo che noi raccomandiamo di avere le idee ben chiare a riguardo fin da subito, sia per le vincite che le eventuali ma possibili perdite. e’ estremamente importante infatti sapersi accontentare delle vittorie conseguite, tanto quanto saper accettare le perdite che ci saranno sicuramente, l’importante alla fine è riuscire ad avere vinto più di quanto si è perso e fermarsi allora. Defining these aspects before starting to play is essential because, once at stake, you tend to lose most of the lucidity necessary to make sensible choices, so everything related to your money, must be decided immediately, before launching into the active game null il problema di chi non riesce a smettere è di solito attribuibile proprio alla non considerazione di questo importante aspetto, è normale che durante le mani di gioco la parte emotiva prenda il sopravvento, ma una volta definiti i tuoi limiti la razionalità deve tornare fuori nel momento opportuno e farti ragionare con coscienza. paradossalmente è quasi un bene che ci siano delle perdite durante il gioco, questo serve a limitare il tuo delirio di onnipotenza che potrebbe insorgere durante una lunga serie di mani positive, alla fine delle quali saresti ancora più motivato a non fermarti mai fino a quando non sopraggiunga una sonora sconfitta che nel peggiore dei casi ti riporterà a zero. quando inizi a giocare a blackjack, non pensare a niente prima di aver ben definito i tuoi limiti, il tuo conto di gioco è troppo importante e va messo al sicuro, fallo subito, imponiti di osservare quello che hai definito e fallo in ogni caso, non importa se vinci o perdi, questo è l’unico sistema per cadere sempre in piedi.



He has been playing blackjack for some time, but also at roulette, slots and so on and the thing I see very common in all the players I know is the difficulty of reaching a certain point and then stopping. Indeed, contrary to what has been said by you, the more a player is the less desire to stop when he should, I am one of these too, when the game takes me it remains very difficult and I end up rethinking everything I have gained.

good morning furiob, honestly, it does not seem to us at all that this piece induces to think that gambling players are all unwary, if we made this effect, we are sorry because this was not our intention. in questo articolo abbiamo voluto evidenziare una delle basi del gioco d’azzardo, la gestione del bankroll a blackjack non fa quindi differenza dalla gestione del proprio capitale giocando a qualunque altro gioco, questa è una buona norma che ogni gioco ha in comune con tutti gli altri. Unfortunately, however, it often happens that we forget about it and this happens to those who start but also to those who are already more experienced, because the game gives great involvement and therefore it is good to be very clear from the start the vision of where we want to go and establish exactly ours Limits. non sappiamo che tipo di giocatore tu sia, se riesci a non farti condizionare dalle emozioni meglio per te, metti però in conto che le persone non sono tutte uguali e non tutte reagiscono alle emozioni nel solito modo, può accadere benissimo di lasciarsi trasportare un po’ troppo dagli eventi senza per questo essere degli sprovveduti. e’ qui che entra in gioco la corretta gestione del proprio capitale, che tu stia giocando a blackjack, a poker, alla roulette o ad altro poco importa, una volta stabilite delle precise regole le dovrai rispettare in ogni momento e qualsiasi cosa accada. un problema molto più comune di quanto si creda è quello di pensare fin dall’inizio delle nostre partite, a strategie e sistemi per massimizzare i risultati, tralasciando delle pratiche alquanto elementari, quali appunto quella spiegata nel pezzo sopra. durante il gioco poi ci vuole una grande forza di volontà per riuscire a gestire le proprie emozioni, questo è un aspetto che parecchi giocatori prendono troppo alla leggera non considerandolo affatto, o pensando che tanto a loro non succederà nulla e abbassando così la guardia finisce che arrivano a perdere più di quanto speravano di vincere. in sostanza, per ribadire ancora una volta il concetto, la gestione del bankroll non è un operazione così banale e tantomeno scontata, ma invece indispensabile per tutti i tipi di giocatori, siano essi esperti o meno e che va fatta sia all’inizio del gioco che durante lo svolgimento dello stesso in maniera cosante e continua. in pratica dovrai avere un occhio al gioco e l’altro sempre al tuo capitale, ci raccomandiamo, non perderlo mai di vista per nessuna ragione, perché questo sarà l’elemento che più di ogni altro potrà fare il bello e il cattivo tempo in tutta la tua esperienza di gioco, sia esso online che offline.



Come on I cannot believe that even today, especially after everything you feel around, capital management is not one of the foundations for those who start playing, it is now clear that you have to start from this, I don't think there are people who do not take into account they be able to lose money, those who play gamble know very well that they are like this, in this way it seems that the players are all unwary.

higengiskhan, cosìcomedettonelcorpodell’articololagestionedelbankrollnonèun’operazionecosìsempliceebanale,indipendentementedall’aiuto“esterno”deivaricasinò,masicuramenteunabestpracticedamettereinattoall’iniziodiogninuovapartita. cisonosenzadubbiomoltepersonechenonlaritengonocosìvitalecomepratica,noiinvecesiamodiparereopposto,secondoilnostromododivedereunacorrettagestionedelcapitaleèindispensabileperlabuonasortedellepartite,siacheessevolganoinpositivocheinnegativo. e’assolutamenteindubbialadifficoltàdiresisterealnonvolersirifaredopounamanosfavorevole,cosìcomenoncontinuareagiocarequandovedicheè“latuaserata”,nonperquestochisifatrasportaredalleemozionideveessereconsideratoincoscienteomalatodigioco,semmaièproprioquichesivedeladifferenzafraunsemplicegiocatoreeunprofessionista. nonèdatuttigiocareinmodoprofessionale,c’èchiriescemeglioeglivienepiùnaturaleperchéhaunacomponentecaratterialedibasegiàpredisposta,chiinvecesidevesforzareunpo’dipiù,inognicasonientechenonsipossaimparareoaffinarecoltempo. comesuoldirsivolereèpotere,ancheinquestocasodipendedaciòchevuoiottenere,sehaiintenzionedidiventareungiocatoreprofessionistaserio,primadiognialtrastrategiadevipartiredaunacorrettagestionedelbankroll,tuttoilrestovienedopo,noncisonoviedimezzooscorciatoie,questoèunpassaggiotroppoimportanteechenondeveessereinalcunmodosottovalutato. bandoalleemozioniedaivaricondizionamenti,losappiamononèunacosafacile,atelascelta.



hereiamjustonewhobelongstothatcategoryofpeoplewhohavehadandstillhaveseriousproblemsregardingthemanagementofthebankroll,formetoodifficulttoresistthewantingtorefertoallcostsafteralossbutalsotostopafterawinningseries. secipensobenenonsoqualesialacosaincuiriescodimeno,anchesedevodirecheconiltemposonomiglioratodiparecchioquestalaritengounacosamoltocomplicataecapiscobenissimotuttiquellichenonhannounbelrapportoconlagestionedelpropriocapitale. sonoanchecoscientechenonsiaesattamenteunmodocorrettopergiocarebenequellochehoio,masfidochiunquearesisteredalvolergiocaredopounaseratacompletamentepositivaedincrescendocosìdipuntoinbianco,seciriuscitevoisietebravi,amerestapiuttostoardual’operazione. chiamatelaincoscienza,aviditàdigiocoocomevoletevoi,restailfattochenoncredodiesserel’unicochehaquestotipodipensieroechetendeadapprocciarsialgiocoinquestomodo,iocredochesiamomoltidipiùdiquellichesipensi,nonc’èforumoinformazionechetenga,quandoseilipensisoloagiocareevincere,secimettiamoafareicontiadognimanosecondomelavogliadigiocareseneva.