Roulette is a very popular game in casinos around the world, which has achieved great visibility also and above all in the online version. Thanks to new technologies with live dealer e diretta streaming tables.

The versions of this game are different even if the fundamental rules remain more or less similar for European roulette e French while there are important variations in the English roulette structure and especially the American one o Fair roulette.

A person who is outside the game of gambling, or that is approaching it now for the first time, is most of the time led to think that the roulette is nothing but that game, composed of A numbered wheel and a ball that runs fast and whose end of the route must be guessed.

There is nothing strange in all this, on the other hand the ultimate goal of the roulette is precisely this, "Bet where the ball will decide to stop", but at the same time the discussion is somewhat reductive, for A game like this full of variants and from the multiple chances of bet.

So the player, or the one who is preparing to become such, must know perfectly The differences between the roulette with 36 numbers and one zero and the American one First of all, but also those that exist between this and even if very similar French variant, especially those subtle diversity of rules between the two versions that can make the choice of one or the other decide, as we will see shortly.

In fact, a good knowledge of the rules of the roulette is the basis of everything that will then develop after, individually within the numerous variants of a game that, over the centuries, has turned into thousands of ways, always maintaining it enamel that has characterized it since its distant origins.

imechanisms that regulate the functioning of the European roulette There are therefore largely the same as the other versions, however the knowledge of its peculiarities that distinguish it, will be those that will determine the player's preference, so let's discover them together.

The rules of European roulette

The main difference between European and American roulette consists in the arrangement of the numbers on the wheelnull As is known, the purpose of the game is to guess the number or series of winning numbers based on the position of the roulette ball on the wheel on each lap.

In the European roulette there are 37 boxes representing numbers 1 to 36 one zero, while the wheel of the American one consists of 38 boxes for the presence of double zero. This difference is fundamental because there are greater probability that zero comes out and a margin for the relatively unfavorable house to the player; for this reason beginner players choose to start with the European roulette.

A further difference compared to the European roulette in the French variant, consists in the circumstance that the rule of theIn prison In case of zero exit and the players cannot withdraw half of the amount aimed. European roulette has had a greater diffusion and is currently available in version with live Croupier in all AAMS online casinos;

In online casinos, the payout of the games settles around 97% with a huge advantage for players compared to the game in terrestrial casinos; Online it is also possible to take advantage of welcome bonuses but also special bonuses related to roulette and dedicated tournaments.

the European roulette, as well as the French one, are also the favorite by those who, in addition to being a raw player, want fun based on simplicity and convenience, a combination that is easily found in these two popular versions.

the European roulette differs from the French one also from a purely aesthetic point of view, as it is easily recognizable at a glance because the European table is the classic green tableInstead in the French version it is red, in addition, the French version always wanted to keep the writings in its mother language, unlike the European one.

Once you learn this difference "Impact" The next step is that you fully know the possible episodes to a European roulette table.

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How to play European roulette

The episodes to the European roulette They are in all similar to those of French roulette. It is possible to aim both inside and outside the game environment, in the latter case it will be focused more often on a combination of numbers.

However, it is important to specify that European roulette, unlike the French sister, does not support The episode options called “Call Bets”, or those concerning some groups of numbers and their arrangement relating to zero.

Instead, we saw that the rule of the"In prison" but not that of the "Share", which guarantees the loss of half of the bet only in the event of zero exit, which instead takes place in the French variant.

Having said that, let's take a look at the various possible episodes at a European roulette table:

internal bets:

  • Direct/ full episode: You bet on one number. Pay 35 to 1.
  • Split or horse episode: You bet on two numbers. Pay 17 to 1. The chip should be placed on the line that separates the two numbers.
  • Carrè or Quatina: You bet on four numbers. The bet pays 8 to 1. The chip should be placed in the intersection between the four numbers.
  • Full or street horizontal: You bet on three numbers. The bet pays 11 to 1. The chip should be placed at the beginning of the row that covers three numbers.
  • Episode on the divided line or horizontal line: You bet on a sestine of numbers. The bet pays 5 to 1. The chip should be placed at the beginning of two lines thus covering six numbers.

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External betting:

  • Colonna: In the roulette there are three columns that cover twelve numbers; By placing the chip at the end of the corresponding column you bet on a group of 12 numbers. The bet pays 2 to 1.
  • Dozen: You bet on a group of 12 numbers as in the column (1-12, 13-24, 25-36). This bet pays 2 to 1.

Even in the European roulette there is the possibility of betting on Simple chances or par which also represent the most frequent ones and that pay less. All simple bets pay the mail 1 time and in case of exit of the zero they are always losing.

In the French roulette on these bets the EN Prison rule is applied and the player can withdraw half of the bet.

  • even odd: The player bets that the corresponding number will come out.

  • Red-black: the player focuses on the corresponding color.
  • Lack/pass: The player bets that a number corresponding to 1/18 (Manque) or 19/36 (passe) will come out. Basically it is a high/low bet.

Tips and systems to win at European roulette

Roulette is a gambling in which the random component is certainly pre -eminent; despite being many Strategies and systems studied over time by mathematics And expert players, none of these can give you the certainty of winning. A good advice is to study merit rules and episode systems starting with simple chances and then move on to the more complex ones and learn to manage Bankroll well.

European roulette is in fact a very fast game And to win in the long run it is essential to know how to check your money well in order to modulate the episodes based on availability.

It is therefore one of the most ideal tables for those who want to train to play a game like this, gradually refining their ability, challenging their luck and gradually learning all those strategies that allow you to make the first stretch of road that passes as a player common to a true professional of the green table.

Visit The Forum for Roulette strategies and systems.

hi alfonso, so that the episodes are valid, the ball must be a minimum number of turns before stopping in the box. the minimum rpm varies from casino casino casino but usually stands at 4 laps. most of the casinos therefore impose that the ball has made at least 4 laps before stopping, others require 3, another 3 and a half turns. it is therefore a rule universally applied in gaming homes around the world, while the choice of how many laps are needed is subjective.



Hi, playing at the roulette of a live casino online I happened that the ball made only two laps and stopped on the number that I had focused, the Croupier resumed the ball and withdrawn without crediting the win. I ed the company through Live Chat and I was told that the rule says that at least three laps must be valid. But is it a rule that is worth all roulette or is it subjective? Thank you. Beforehand

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