Burraco is a very popular game, practiced in private or in special circles, very fun in the form of a tournament, both for beginners and for professionals.

The origins of the game

The Burraco game is part of the Pinnacola family and his origins seem to be South American, as the game was introduced in Uruguay in the mid -1940s.

This game is practiced by using two decks of French cards that also include 4 Jolly.

The challenges to this game see couples of players confront each other, even if it is also possible to play individual games or play in real teams. Finally, there is also a game variant that can be practiced with 3 players, where 2 decks of cards are also used.

The carrying out and the official rules of the burraco

The game begins after the cards have been mixed correctly, which are 108 in all, being two decks each of 54 cards. Moreover, the color of the back of the cards varies from one bouquet to another, so that they do not exist two equal cards of the same color on the back.

The bettor who sits on the right of the Mazziere must cut the deck of cards and must prepare two bunches of 11 cards, taking them from the deck that has been cut. The two bunches must be put on each other and placed on one side of the table and the remaining part of the cards is located in the center.

If 3 players sit at the game table, the 2 bunches will be composed, respectively, one of 11 and the other with 18 cards. The cards are distributed by the Mazziere clockwise.

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A card must be discovered And the remaining instead must be placed on the upper part of the deck which has been cut which is located in the center of the table, in this way is the so -called heel.

The game - which has analogies with the canast - is divided into individual hands who are named "Stop".

Each round consists of 3 phases:

  • The phase of the Fishing from the deck of cards that is located in the central part of the table or, alternatively, the collection from the Mount of Scraps;
  • The phase in which you They open new games or connect the cards you are in possession of the games already open;
  • the phase in which it is necessary discard a card And the player's turn ends to move on to the other player's turn.

Il "Monte degli Scracchi" It is given by all those cards that are discarded by the players when a turn ends. When the game opens, it consists of that card discovered by the Mazziere.

The bettor on duty can establish whether to start, taking a card from the deck, or fishing from the mountain of the waste. Usually the bettor, if he makes cards from the mountain of scraps, leaves a single Mount card on the table and indicates it as a waste, in alternative, he can attack cards to the combinations made and sequences.

Each new group of cards, on the other hand, must be positioned to the right of the previous one and cannot be started except with at least three cards.

Please note that the combination is given by a group of at least 3 cards that present the same value and that belong to any seed. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that cards of equal seed may appear in the combination that can allow the player to make a burraco.

It should be emphasized that each combination can be made up of a maximum of 9 cards including a possible “matta”; In addition, "matte" only combinations are not eligible and two equal combinations cannot be dropped (For example, two combinations of kings, because the player can only, if another trio of king already exists, put his other kings under the existing trio).

The sequence is given by a group of 3 cards belonging to the same seed. They can also be formed at a maximum of 13 cards belonging to the same seed, put in order, any crazy (For a total of 14 cards). In the sequences the ace is unique and can be tied below (that is, to start from the lower cards, for example. 4, 3, 2, 1), or even above, next to the king (For example in a 1-K-Q-J sequence).

The cards that have fallen must be put under one to the other, in front of the player who plays them and cannot be resumed and moved to a different group if there are two couples of players, that is, four players, those of the same team will play sitting in front of the other.

The combinations and sequences are integrated, when possible, by the Jolly and the Pinelle.

As we said before, i Jolly sono 4 And they are those of the French cards. There Pinella They are all 2 who have the Same function as the Jolly same. For each combination or succession only a crazy is foreseen. It can be replaced by the paper that replaces, even if it cannot be eliminated by the succession or combination. The Matte remain at the bottom and never return to the hands of the bettor.

I know the “matta” It is free - that is, it is found at the bottom of a sequence - it is admissible that it moves it up if it is helpful to a high card. If it is not free, however, and therefore it has been taken on a specific value and has a card both above and below, it can be replaced with the paper it represented.

As a rule, in a group of dropped cards, it is not allowed that you have more than a joker or a pinella, but the case is the case in which the seed Pinella of a sequence is positioned in place of the two "natural": In this hypothesis it is allowed to use another joker or another pinella. At the end of each turn, the bettor must remove a card, discarding it.

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The goal of the game

The purpose of this card game is that of close by remaining without any card in hand Only after having made a burraco and collecting one of the bunches, going, as they say in the jargon Pozzetto.

The burraco is given by a combination or by a scale of 7 cards e It is said clean, if it is made without using jolly o Pinelle.

Clearly it is dirty, when the player makes burraco, thanks to the help of a pinella or a joker. The bettors therefore use the cards they have during the first hand, obtaining others during the continuation of the game, until the deck ended.

The moment you have the opportunity to exhaust the cards that are part of the initial group, putting them into play in combinations and sequences, you can collect one of the bunches that have been prepared at the start by the bettor who sits on the right side compared to the club null

When the 11 cards are finished, you can take the cockpit, putting it involved until the cards have to be discarded.

When the cards are finished, discarding the last card that is part of the Mount of the scraps, The player can collect the cockpit, Even if he has to wait a turn before he can play it. If no bettor has managed to close before, the hand ends, when they remain 2 cards still to be taken from the deck.

The burraco score

When the player closes, they must be calculated i pointsnull The player or couple who closed totals 100 points. If the player does Burraco cleanly, totals a score I see a 200.

Please note that, to satisfy this condition, the burraco must be composed of 7 cards without jolly o Pinellanull The burraco "Dirty" which presents 7 cards, including the Jolly or a pinella, vale 100 points.

Then, there is also the burraco "seeds clean ". It consists of at least 8 carte, Where there must also be a joker or a pinella as well as 7 clean consecutive cards. Its value is equal to 150 points.

However, this variant is not recognized by the classic rules of this game, much less by most of the federationsnull Very often, in fact, we tend to consider it as a real dirty burraco that is worth 100 points. Each jolly is worth 30 points, the Pinella is worth 20 points, the ace is worth 15 points.

Cards like the8, 9, 10, J, Q, K are worth 10 pointsnull The cards ranging from 3 al 7 are worth 5 points.

The cards that remain in hand, at the time of closing, are points but with the least sign, as they represent penalties for the player or couple.

If you don't take the bunch, the player or couple pay 100 points. When you count the points, the cards with which the burraco is made are also taken into consideration. The couple who realizes 2005 points, wins.

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The burraco in USA

In the southern USA this game began to expand in the mid -1980s, especially in Puglia. This game was already known to everyone, but it happened in free games, with personalized regulations and variables from player to player and from one region to another, as happened for the Tressette.

When the first burraco rooms were born, the first clubs, it was thought of the organization of the first tournaments, which had a huge success with a great sequel to fans: it was then that it was considered to be changing the calculation system of the score to adapt it to the dynamics tournaments and the first official regulations of the same, in practice accepted in all the places where they were played.

The burraco expanded to wildfire thanks to word of mouth and from the south it arrived in all American regions. The management of the scores, the Match Points and Victory Points tables and the various types of tournaments did not exist.

In addition, the arbitrage was made by the manager of the tournament on duty, with all the understandable difficulties in organizing everything in detail and carrying it out in the various subsequent events without disagreements between the participants and problems of various kinds, up to the end of the same null

Some more enterprising committed to throw down documents that regulated the tournaments and the meetings of Burraco more effectively and the competitive initiatives that over time could benefit from a more defined and unique discipline were multiplied.

Fibur was also created, the American Burraco Federation, an organ that, since 1994, regulates this game in our country e which aims to spread it: it brings together all members, providing them with an official regulation and behavioral rules who define the line of fair play and arbitrary teams, to protect players often engaged on trips and efforts of presence to all the most important burraco tournaments in the American field.

So the great environment of the Burraco in USA: Since then it has grown exponentially and no one has been able to brake its immense success.

At the moment, there are far beyond 250 Associations of Burraco (Burraco clubs) throughout the national territory that overall boast 10,000 associates. Furthermore, weekly, they are organized National burraco tournaments Many players take part. Every year the national burraco championships are held for teams and couples and, in addition, there is also the tournament of the greatest players who challenge each other to win the Champions Cup.

At the current time About three million people in USA They played at least one game of burraco and to have always been attracted to women: the female sex is very taken by this card game, so much so that it is present in most tea rooms and women's meeting places in our country.

But in truth the burraco does not remain absolutely limited within the borders of USA: it has now invaded and infected many European countriesnull Greece first of all, where it is called "Lights", France and recently also Great Britain, USA and Spain.

The spread of the Passion for the burraco seems to know no brakes And it is assumed that it will continue in the future again.

Advantages of Burraco Online

The online version gives the advantage of confronting your levels of your level or higher level, and therefore avoiding competing with less good players than you, which is important to improve.

The trick lies in being able to understand your skill level, which will be possible only after a while who started playing; Then we will try accordingly in the choice of opponents.

It is advisable - precisely because the experience appears to be fundamental to set up a good game and maximize the possibilities of victory - try the free Burraco mode first first: So you will acquire familiarity with the game itself. There are also several tables classified by gaming experience; they go to Beginner tables to those for professionals.

Il Online game It does not work substantially in a very different way from the real one. The players choose a location and keep it during the game, while the Mazziere - initially positioned in the north or in a place randomly established by the system in the first blatant - distributes 11 cards to each player, going counterclockwise, and discovers a card at center of the table.

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