Speaking of 2020, many things can be said, but surely it will be remembered as the year that shocked our lives: from that moment on, nothing was more as before and we all found ourselves dealing with a new reality, different, sometimes incomprehensible, but dominated by an invisible enemy, namely the coronavirus, responsible for the onset of the COVID-19null This disease continues to affect many people in every corner of the world. His impact has been unexpected and has come to destroy or compromise the certainties of many of us. Two years later, in 2024, he continues to do so and we do not know how the future will be, but we know how much he has influenced our certainties in the last two years.

Here we want to see how and how much the Coronavirus has had an impact on the reality of the terrestrial casinos.

Not only did the lives of each of us have to undergo drastic changes, but also many activities have dealt with a new, different reality, which often brought them to the closure if not permanent, momentary.

Gambling enthusiasts also had to review their habits, even if it must be said that The Lockdown and the obligation to stay at home have paradoxically facilitated access to online casinosnull The ban on leaving its home for non -essential reasons and for carrying out recreational activities, has certainly increased the amount of time spent in front of computers and other internet browsing devices.

However, the total closure necessarily involved The real casinos who by force of things have for long months to stop their businessnull It was certainly not a good period for the whole country, both from a health and economic point of view and together with the thousands of victims and patients in hospitals, there was also the disappearance of numerous exercises overwhelmed by Lockdown, but also casinos real had to deal with sensitive drops in turnover.

The three active American gaming houses have still reopened all the doors, even if today the password has become security and therefore reorganization due to the health situation still in the making.

The Covid-19 and the response of American royal casinos

The Covid-19 and the Casino di Sanremo

An example is the Sanremo casino During the period between March and June 2020 he recorded a loss of about 100,000 $ of revenues per day, as the President of the Board of Directors Battistotti points out. There reopening of June 16, 2020, as the Customer Care staff ed we ed, has obviously coincided with the adoption of a rigid health protocol which provides for numerous measures to allow employees and visitors to attend the casino rooms in total safety and tranquility. In particular, the three inputs of the casino were equipped with thermo-scanner for measuring the temperature of employees and customers. Obviously, Access to the premises will be banned for those who record a value equal to or greater than 37.5 ° C.

Q. What other solutions will the Sanremo casino adopt to counteract the virus?

R. Only used only Fiches set periodically subjected to sanitizing processes, while players and staff are required to wear glovesnull As for the distancing measures between the players and between these and the Croupier, at the tables they were Plexiglas panels installednull Furthermore, to reduce the risks of contagion, At the tables, only four players can take place at a time, while to encourage the maintenance of distance half of the approximately 450 slot machines in the casino will be off, according to a checkerboard scheme. On compliance with the protocol rules, they will supervise the casino employees specifically responsible for this function.

Q. And the masks? Will they be mandatory or optional?

R. Obviously, it is the use of masks mandatory And there are stations with disinfectant gel dispenses, while to prevent the formation of assembly, obligatory paths equipped with a specific signs have been prepared.

Unfortunately, the price to pay for the casino remains very high, since all the worldly events and various tournaments have been canceled or postponed, the Roof Garden and Biribissi restaurants will remain closed except for Friday and Saturday, while the bar and the bar Bistrot will be open regularly. President Battistotti also thanks to employees for the sacrifices endured during these months and for accepting the layoffs with much availability and collaboration. Of course, the flow of customers will be subjected to monitoring, therefore it may be appropriate to reservation.

UPDATE: Compared to when this interview has been conducted, things are a little changed. To date, January 2024, after possession of Green Pass, there is no longer a limit to the number of people who can sit at the same game table, but there is a limit to the access that can be done. For example, in the will be slot, there are no more than 115 people at the same time.

Obviously the request for the use of masks (FFP2) remains in force, but the restaurants have returned to being operational and to host numerous and interesting initiatives.

The Covid-19 and the Casino of Venice

A situation in some ways similar but with many differences interests the Venice casino. The closure of the two rooms, the historic one on the large canal of Ca ’Vendramin Calergi and the more recent one of That NOGHER, determined a loss in terms of revenues that was calculated in about 30 million$. The Lockdown, however, especially for Ca 'Noghera has also become an opportunity for relaunch. In fact, this game room had already undertaken a profound restyling in 2019 ended with the inauguration of August 24. The structure, with some delay on the roadmap due to the suspension of the works during the months of March, April and May, has been expanded by about 1400 square meters, so much so that now the surface available to customers has been brought to over 6000 square meters null The enlargement of the premises will allow Ca Noghera to expand the maximum number of players present in theaters (bringing it from 625 to 900) without losing the rules on distancing.

Q. With what defense measures from the Coronavirus will the reopening of Ca 'Noghera take place?

R. The health protocol adopted in Venice is rigid and in step with the times, but is still made in such a way as not to make the customer gaming experience frustrating. The administration, in fact, has invested a lot on the safety of its customers by installing beyond 1000 square meters of plexiglass dividers (places both at the tables and between slot machines and other electronic games), a measure thanks to which it was not necessary to reduce the number of tables and slots inside the rooms. The other anti-content measures provide for the presence of Five players at most for each table, while employees will be required to use mask (also mandatory for visitors) or, possibly, of protective visions. At the entrance, the casino employees will verify the body temperature of customers through the classics thermo-scanner And the same procedure will be carried out for those who access the parking lots. The special paths were built on the floor in order to adjust the flows and prevent non -compliance with the safety distance. The staff will provide for the constant sanitation of the game devices, while inside there will be buzzes of disinfectant gel available to customers.

UPDATE: Even in the case of the Venice casino, at the entrance it is necessary to show that it is in possession of the Super Green Pass, social distancing is required and entry to the structure is expected to a massino of 986 people.

Saint Vincent also starts again after Lockdown

The Lockdown hit the coffers of the Casino Saint Vincent, whose closure was fortunately averted thanks to reopening that took place on June 15thnull In fact, also for the Valle d'Aosta playroom, the Coronavirus emergency has made it necessary to adapt work in order to make the premises of the casino safe for players also from the health point of view.

Q. What rules will they have to respect the players in Saint Vincent?

R. The administration of the casino asks customers to comply with some important requirements such as compliance with the social distance (equal to at least one and a half meters), the use of the mask surgical type for the entire duration of the visit, theHand sanitization With a certain frequency (for this purpose, various stations with gel dispenser will be present inside the premises.

D. I have some fever line or I was bad a few days ago: can I enter the casino?

R. No, to access the casino, visitors must be subjected to temperature control via thermo-scanner and ensure that they have not had, in the previous 14 days, symptoms such as fever greater than 37.5 ° C, cough, breathing problems and smell loss And taste (which, as is now known, represent the main alarm bells for the infection from Covid-19). In addition, the obligation to ensure under their responsibility not to have been positive for Covid-19, of not having had s in the last two weeks with symptomatic people or to whom the infection has been diagnosed or to be subject to the obligation of quarantine or trustee isolation. To encourage compliance with health measures, the rooms and spaces between tables and slots have been reorganized while the decks of cards, the chips as well as the game spaces are subjected to disinfection. Finally, the flows of customers both incoming and outgoing are regulated through special paths equipped with signs.

UPDATE: Players who want to go to the Saint Vincent casino, must show the reinforced green certification or the green pass at the entrance.


Covid and the response of foreign mess

What happens abroad? Despite the pandemic, gambling does not stop

The American situation broadly reflects that of other European countries such as Principality of Monaco, Spain, sloveniaeFrance, dove Most of the game rooms have reopened After a few weeks of total lockdown. Just as happens in USA, even abroad the reopenings have been accompanied by measures such as:

Social distancing

Inserting dividing panels

Temperature surveys at the entrance and a prohibition of entrance for those who record a figure greater than 37.5-38 degrees

Installation of paths to better manage the entry and output of customers

Reduction of capacity and in some cases also of the number of tables and slot machines

Positioning of gel dispenser in various points of the casino

Disinfection procedures of the premises and game equipment

Masking obligation for customers and employees (or, alternatively, where foreseen, of the facial visor)

A separate discussion must instead be made for the world capital of gambling, that is Las Vegasnull The pandemic in the United States, thanks to the failure to adopt Draconian measures, hit the sector very hard, But there are numerous rooms that have decided to reopennull Also in America, customers are subjected to the examination of body temperature while and the obligation of the masks is provided for everyone regardless of the vaccination situation. In addition, players are invited to maintain the interpersonal distance of six feet (about one meter and eighty) and specific measures for circulation are applied within the game structures. For the American public, it certainly does not represent a novelty, but the pandemic has finally convinced the Americans a prohibit smoking inside casino as considered a virus transmission vehicle. Both the areas aimed at the game and those intended for leisure are continuously subjected to sanitization processes and even overseas the aforementioned appeared have appeared panels in plexiglass And it was decided to reduce the capacity together with the number of players for each table.