This list will allow you to download the AAMS casino game software, in order to play with the casino program, called client, directly from your PC. Il Download of online casino It is one of the historical characteristics that has always distinguished them. We have created this list to give you the opportunity quickly and easy to see what are the casino com download. Not all online casinos allow you to play through download, some of them give the possibility of play directly without downloading, Such as Betflag o Netbetnull This could sometimes be a disadvantage even if, thanks to the fast connections, the inefficiencies to play online on the site are now minimal, even if in some parts it is still advisable to download the casino. If you are mobile you The possibility of downloading and doing and downloading the casino app will appear.

Casino Aams list with download

Many of the products shown in tables and boxes are our partners who sometimes compensate for us. This could influence the products we insert but still does not affect our assessments. Our opinions are personal and dictated by precise criteria of the our certificationnull Below is the list of ours Partner it's ours ads policy.
# casino ADM bonus Features info
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35x playthrough

Live games available

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35x playthrough

Live games available

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25x playthrough

Live games available

As you have probably already guessed, playing online can bring some disadvantages, which obviously do not exist for mess with the downloadable software.

But there is one to do important consideration inherent to the remarkable developments made in recent years by the various software, namely that today modern technology has made great strides and often you will find only sensitive differences between the 2 versions usually proposed in pairs from the portals: Download casino and flash casino.

Flash versions They have been improved a lot for some years now, fast, comfortable, they do not give any permanent problem, but objectively to carry out the Download of a casino Something more without a doubt.

Obviously on playing in flash It also greatly affects the quality of your connection and the car (PC) with which you are making your games, but in general those who choose to play in this version do not have big pretensions, because they often are occasional players or simple curious who want to try or why not, practice and experiment before deciding to play a Casino with the client.

This is a more than understandable and shared choice by us, but the fact remains that, to have the best in terms of playability and dedicated services the Casino download The best option remains.

We want to reveal a little secret to you which pushes all operators to prefer the download versions of their casino; The reason is for what has been said above, that is You will never find a flash casino with performance and playability equal to a download casino, because the customer -like customer from casinos is the one that downloads the software, therefore potentially more loyalty.

Therefore carry out the Download of a casino will allow you to always play a more well -kept versions, both for the graphic part, and for the functional one, with greater choice of games and many more options, for the happiness of all those players who only want the best from a portal.

But let's see them a little more closely the advantages of playing a casino by downloading the software.

The advantages of downloading a casino

- The first undisputed advantage of a download casino It is the speed of playing and response of the software to your requests, with a good connection the game will be fluid and without shots or disconnections, which you will hardly find in the flash versions;

- Excellent navigability Inside the casino, no shots, no connection leaps and navigation speed. Very important, when you are inside the portal, it is to avoid incurring those annoying shots that make you lose patience and the desire to play, by downloading the software the problem is eliminated at the root;

- More efficient online support, as the direct line with the client makes communication and help more effective. At any time you find the customer support centers of the various Aams casinos in difficulty, they will respond promptly to all your requests, doubts or various problems, providing you with all the necessary support that, for several of them, is also active at night. If you can't solve the problems, we can help you on our forum, as done with hundreds of people in these years.

- Short waiting times For access to the casino, thanks to the direct connection via the client, little wait and immediate login. Often, in the past, some users complained about access times to the various portals, today the new technology has led to drastically decreasing these times, not making anything to the flash versions regret;

- As we mentioned before, the graphic quality that you will find by having fun at the games in a Download casino it is objectively superior, much more clear and defined. The same goes for the effects, which tend to return such realistic game environments that they often make you forget to be in front of the monitor of a PC;

- You want to play the Live casino, or challenge your friends to games in version multiplayer? Very fun options, but which will give the best only once you have downloaded the casino software with which you have decided to play;

- If you are a player who plans to play a casino seriously and with real money, your obligatory choice is to make the Casino download chosen, only by downloading the client in fact you will have enabled the possibility of betting "Real money", all in safe way, simple and immediate;

- In case you want, need or need to train some game that maybe you have particularly difficult, once the software can be downloaded you can play with yours "Virtual money" Every time you want, even offline;

- Great value, highly appreciated by the vast majority of the players, is in fact the right to be able to play against the computer even in the case of absence or problems of connection to the Internet, this should make that of the Casino download as an almost natural choice;

- Often It happens that some players, especially novice, think that downloading the software of a casino is dangerous, totally wrong thought, as, as A AAMS Download casino is synonymous with greater safety, both for the protection of your personal data and for your transactions; Try to think if it is no longer safe to make withdrawals and deposits through a software guaranteed by sophisticated anti -intrusion systems, or directly on a website, if you think about it, the answer is somewhat obvious.

These listed above should be sufficient advantages To make your choice orient the best if you want to get the most out of your games on the various casinos that allow you to download your client.

If this were not enough, here is described below some of the disadvantages That you will find when you decide to play without making the software download and then in flash.

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35x playthrough

Live games available

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35x playthrough

Live games available

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20x playthrough

Live games available

Some disadvantages to play without download

- A not too fast internet connection slows down the game and increases the possibilities of system blocks and technical connection problems. How many times have you found yourself in the middle of a game, perhaps winning and your connection started going to shots? Maybe it happened to you, maybe not, the fact remains that it is unfortunately very common problem when playing in flash, without downloading the casino

- risk of one Navigability of the bad casinoFor example, new windows are always opened to you when you open a game and you find yourself after a few clicks to have in the browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox etc) many open pages which makes everything more confusional. This is a condition that at least to us has always been truly hateful, as well as quite distant and that leads to make you lose concentration;

- Risk of "down" server For the surcharge of the site, in the case of thousands of users play simultaneously, the server can freeze or slow down which causes malfunctions of the casino and navigability, which when playing are the bad cases that can happen and that no one would ever want to have. Flash versions often suffer from this type of problem, brilliantly overcome instead in a Casino with download.

Where is it better to play?

At this point you had a discreet overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the download casino And of the flash casino and if you want a further advice on our part we are happy to give it to you.

On our side long-time experience We tell you that it is better to play in casino com download, but we still don't advise against playing directly in flash on the sites if your connection is good. Downloading and playing the casino is however the best solution for a series of already called factors, especially the reliability of the connection to the server and the best navigability of the portal.

Obviously then everything also depends on what kind of player you are, what programs you have, how you intend to set your game system, etc ...

Let's do 2 hypotheses, the first It is that of a future player, who does not yet clear the dynamics of online gambling and does not know the various games except at a very marginal level, the second Instead it is that of a novice player yes, who already knows this world enough, but still has some fear of making the Casino download Because braked by insecurities, rumors and negative opinions that generate a distorted vision of reality.

In the first case Our advice is to start playing the casino in the flash version, in order to practice with the portal, become familiar with the many games and learn the various features well, always playing in the version “For fun”null Therefore fun, safety and savings, as in the version "For fun" Money will always and only and only virtual. You have fun, practice, you train to become a real professional and don't spend a penny, better than that. Once sufficient experience, or rather when you finally feel ready and prepared is the time to download the casino on your PC and start playing in the most adrenaline mode “Real Money”. This is the moment when a player can give his best and can show off his ability in front of others, helped as always for a little more luck, the version Download of a casino on the net He will be able to give unparalleled satisfactions.

In the second situation, if the player is enough "trained", it is good that he manages to put aside all his unfounded fears, because he truly downloads a casino has no contraindication, indeed, for players who want to define as such is practically the only version that can guarantee you the best , as regards winnings, fun and unique gaming experiences, for all the advantages we have seen above.

In conclusion, playing a Download casino It is today the optimal solution for all those who want to get that more and who can never have it from the flash versions, all in the maximum tranquility, comfort and safety that distinguishes the many AAMS portals that Playuscasino recommends you.

Viruses and malware by downloading the Casino software

Perhaps Some players can be skeptical in downloading the software and install them For fear of taking viruses or other malware. What we can say is to be calm and Everything you download and visit from Playuscasino is controlled at the source and in no way can it contain viruses.

Also if we think about it, why put some viruses? What convenience would we have or the casino on the Internet? We as Playuscasino we would only incur legal causes, but on the other hand also the same casinos, who have all the interest of doing it Download a perfectly working program without viruses.

So you go quiet and don't worry, everything we tell you is true and in your interest because you are players like us.

The problem of viruses had been raised a few years ago, most likely from those who wanted to discredit the casino on the net in the eyes of public opinion, but this soon proved to be an absolutely unfounded voice, essentially due to the fact that the companies producing the software on which they "turn" the casinos are so attentive to prevent this problem that it is practically impossible to incur us for any player.

You can therefore safely download the casino You prefer, because the software house that produce them are multinational giants, which have all the interest in keeping their programs super sure.

The companies that produce online gambling software are more than 170 in the world, all very famous and great prestige, just think of PLAYTECH o Microgaming, just to mention the first 2 that immediately jump to mind in the loyal play of gambling online, when it comes to safe and performing software.

There are some casinos, however, that use a special software, self -produced, that is, they create it themselves, cutting it to the measure of the needs of their portal and the public of reference, such as 888.

What does this mean, that the casino to prefer are those that produce the software alone or those who buy it from the famous software house above?

For your safety it is indifferent, because in both cases make the download of a casino that has self -produced software or one of a manufacturer that also provides them with others changes anything and do you know why? Because All software to download are carefully controlled from the inside But not only that, they They are the subject of severe and constant checks also by the AMS, which guarantees their complete integrity.

In short, playing your favorite gambling games by downloading the casino software on your PC is safe and does not present risks of any kind, you can rest assured that no program that you will download and install on your machine will affect in a negative way, it will damage yours programs.

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