What can be said that a city like Paris has not already been said, if not reiterating that it is The most visited city in the world And one of the most populous and cosmopolitan of the whole of Europe, where does it seem to live in a daydream? In fact, in Paris we first go to dream, in fact the good Ratatouille also said it in the film of the same name and nothing is more true than this.

Paris: between crepes and good wine, a room dedicated to the game

A city entirely developed around a river, the Senna, which gives breathtaking scenarios from any angle you observe it, anyone who has visited it more than once knows it, at each new journey Paris excites as if it were the first time, not only with his majestic Torre Eiffel, But with all Buildings, historic buildings, monuments and museums, located precisely mostly on the banks of its famous river.

The Things to do and see in Paris are many, just to go and visit the Louvre Museum A few days are not enough, But once you reach this fantastic European city there are mandatory stages of which you cannot do without, as a visit to Our ladies, Santa Claus, Place de la Concorde, l’Arch of Triumph, the neighborhood of La Défence no doubt Montmartre, The most famous place of the right bank.

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Montmartre represents the highest point of the city and is famous not only for the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, but also to be the most lively area of Paris, this is during the day, full of street artists that make everything very singular, and at night, with a myriad of clubs of all kinds, including also Montmartre Club, one of the many Parisian mess (Once called Cercolo Clichy Montmartre).

We would like to clarify that this club, it is not a real mess, just like the others reviewed on this page, but it is a club dedicated to the game of poker that offers tournaments, Cash Games and more traditional games.

For over 65 years, the Montmartre club has welcomed all gambling fans in a unique environment, where the main room, majestic and with high ceilings, recreates a warm atmosphere of the beginning of the century, so much so that this was the place where many directors They shot famous films.


American poker at the Montmartre Club in Paris

The structure has undergone numerous changes over time, but since its creation dating back to 1760, it has always been a place traditionally devoted to the game, starting with the billiard tables and between the various management and changes since 2008 the Club Montmartre enters a new era with the arrival of poker, a real success that has not changed its face of popular and accessible structure.

Poker is one of the best known card games in the world, if you are an lover of the genre and you find yourself visiting Paris, going here in the evening is an absolute guarantee of fun, In fact, at the Montmartre club you will find 30 poker tables With episodes from $ 50 to $ 1,000 for evenings with high adrenaline rate.

The variants of poker are many and in this mess there is spoiled for choice between Texas Hold'Em No Limit, Poker 21, Omaha, Poker 3 Carte, Dealer Choice, Ultimate e Stud Poker. A game for every taste therefore, able to attract both the most experienced professional, and the beginner looking for strong emotions.

Il Texas Hold'Em The most played poker version in all terrestrial game rooms has become a few years old, Also the Montmartre Club of Paris makes no difference: Here in fact you will find a wide choice of limits depending on the level of experience of the player, who will find himself at the table selected with at most 9 other opponents, the tables of this specialty have the limit of 10 players.

Each player will receive 2 personal cards at the beginning of each game And immediately after the counter it will add 5 cards uncovered in common with all the players in the center of the table, among which everyone will have to choose those necessary to have the best combination of 5 cards between the 7 of the hand.

It is said that more than 100 million players in the world constantly enjoy themselves with the Texas Hold'em No Limit, It will therefore be very easy for them Learn to play another specialty that derives from this and that is called Omaha Poker, where the substantial difference lies in the fact that the player It cannot aim an amount higher than the value of the dish.

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Very popular online, this variant has become increasingly present over the years inside the terrestrial casinos around the world, Every day the Montmartre Club offers one or more tables in Omaha Pot-Limit at 4 or 5 cards in tables that reach up to 8 players.

At the beginning of each game, each player receives 4 covered and personal cards, then, exactly as in the previous version, 5 discoveries are added and in common to all players in the center of the table, to get the best hand it is mandatory the use of two cards from your hand and 3 of the 5 common cards, this is the other significant difference between Omaha and Texas.


The other variants played at the Casino Cercle Clichy

Il Poker 21 it is also said “Poker Blackjack”, Since its rules are completely similar to the famous card game where you have to make this score without ever going beyond it, even in this special poker variant the game is played with 6 decks of 52 cards like Blackjack more classic.

The cards are worth like their nominal value, except for the jack, the queen and the king who are worth 10 points, while the ace is 1 or 11 depending on the need, The players of the Casino Cercolo Clicch Montmartre have the opportunity to double their bets To this game, when their first two cards will have a total sum of 9, 10 or 11.

In addition, players can Divide the first 2 cards When these are identical and they will find themselves playing two games by adding the equivalent of their original bet, but this can only be done once.

In Stud Poker The players sit and begin to carry out their bets in the appropriate space in front of them, figure that must be at least the minimum of the table And it can increase for multiples from a minimum to maximum of the table, a player can only see one hand.

You can Bet on another place remained empty As long as it is separated from at least one place, the game is played with 52 cards, 5 of which are distributed covered with the players, while the fifth card of the Mazziere is distributed face up, giving a small advantage to the players present at the table.

Il Poker 3 Card It is a variant of Fast poker that is played at Montmartre Club of Paris With a single 52 cards deck and whose goal is to defeat the desk with the best possible poker hand with three cards, which are distributed face down, one by one, starting from the most left player of the dealer And it ends with the Croupier himself until each hand consists of three cards, for the rest it works as in traditional poker.

In the midst of this great poker offer of all kinds, here is also a Very singular and longtime game, practically unknown to us who live in the Oltralpe but who has been a real revolution in the French gaming houses of the past centuries.


Lunches and dinners near the Clichy Montmartre casino

A city like Paris and an area like that of Montmartre literally teeming with rooms where to consume lunches, dinners, snacks and various snacks, a real institution of the area is the famous “Wepler Brasserie”, Particularly well known and close to the Montmartre Club of Paris Where, throughout the day, you will be welcomed with gourmet dishes, pastry or a delicious hot chocolate.

The Brasserie Wepler allows you to relax in a authentic Parisian environment, very frequented by literati and young promises of cinema, this former beer factory has become a point of reference for the entire city, but basically it has always been, in its glorious past they took turns at its artists, writers and characters who contributed to making the history of this place.

Wepler Brasserie is therefore a Local suitable for a stop of all kinds, for a meal or a moment of refreshment, it represents a restaurant, a cafeteria and a Take-Away sales service, a real delight for connoisseurs inserted perfectly in the lively neighborhood life that maintains the cultural spirit of the place unchanged.

Practically attached to the Montmartre club, is found “Léon de Brussels”, famous restaurants chain specialized in fresh molluscs, in particular the mussels, for which the room is particularly renowned and frequented, which are cooked in a myriad of different versions, however, there is not even meat and fish. Wide selection of foods and also the possibility of choosing between different menus that start from $ 8.90.

Always remaining near the game room, another famous chain makes a fine show of if attracting young and old, it is “Hippopotamus”, where you can taste meat dishes With fillets and beef carpacci, but also his famous hamburgers and menus dedicated to younger guests.

Can an American restaurant in this area be missing? Absolutely not, indeed to be precise in the surroundings of Montmartre clubs are many, one of the best known is undoubtedly "The Mulino team", What a delight the palates of its patrons since 1987 with the more traditional dishes of American cuisine including a fantastic pizza expertly cooked in the only wood oven in the restaurant.


How to reach the Montmartre Club of Paris

Like many other European cities, Paris also finds in theplane the ideal means to get to destination from USA In a simple, fast and cheap way, thanks to the numerous companies flying to the French capital starting from the main American airports several times a day.

The Paris airports are 3, “Roissy Charles de Gaulle”, “Orly” e “Beauvais Tille”, of which, the first 2 airports of the most important international companies, the third destination of various low-cost, including the Ryanair which lands in this stopover with costs that depending on the period of the year are truly negligible.

The only drawback is that From Beauvais to Paris there are then at least a couple of hours By bus, in practice it is first reached the airport from USA, which to get from there to the center of the city, but all in all, given the costs it involves it is worth making a trip by bus.

Obviously also the other airports are well served by buses, trains, taxi and metro that take you to your destination, once you get to the center you just need to take line 12 or 2 of the metro and in one Handshaw of minutes arrive at the Montmartre club.

Excellent alternative to low costs is reach Paris by train, all this thanks to high -speed trains (TGV), which connect the main European cities, including Rome and Milan, to Lyon station, the main railway station of the French capital, in which at least 3 trains per day from USA arrive, both daytime and night.

However, you can also decide to opt for a further travel solution, represented by the bus, also in this case we talk about rather affordable costs and departures from various American cities, especially thanks to the Eurolines group, with the inconvenience, however, that the journey will prove to be a little longer than the other means mentioned above.

As long but not prohibitive, the journey will be for those who prefer their car for travel, you can therefore decide to get to the Clicch Casino in Paris leading for about 1,000 km, Starting from Northern USA and entering France from the Mont Blanc tunnel, and then proceed on the enviable French highways in full calm and tranquility.


Before leaving

Opening: The Casino Cerchle Clichy Montmartre is open every day of the year.

Entry to the casino: This Casino di Paris is open every day from 16:00 to 6:00 in the morning. The weekend from 13:00 to 6:00.

Dress code: There are no specific restrictive clothing codes, however, adequate clothing is required in any case. There are only very specific rules for some garments in particular, suits, short pants, flip flops, tank tops and torn jeans are not allowed for access to the room.

Entrance: The daily entrance costs $ 10, while the annual subscription 100 $.

Club Montmartre

84 rue de Clichy

75009 Paris


Telephone: +33 1 48 78 32 85